Thursday, September 22, 2022

Letitia James Launches Desperate New Attack in War on Trump


New York AG Letitia James continues her obsessive quest to destroy Trump - American Thinker  
. . .Heck, the case is so bad that even Bill Barr, who’s become Trump’s mortal enemy when it comes to disputing the American president’s plenary power to declassify anything he wants, has gone on record saying that the case is a “political hit job,” that constituted “gross overreach,” that will end up “backfiring,” because it will increase sympathy for Trump. The suit, he concluded, is nothing more than a manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  

No president in American history has paid such a high price for daring to buck the establishment. Trump may be gone from office, but the leftists holding power across America have vowed to do everything they can to hunt him down and destroy him. Is it appropriate for me, at this point, to remind them again that Moby Dick won and Ahab went down with the ship?.

 Letitia James Finally Brings Her Weak A** Case Against President Trump and Family Members – IOTW Report

Letitia James Launches Desperate New Attack in War on Trump ( "It's no secret that Democrats are willing to do or try anything to keep Donald Trump out of polite society or elected office — from Joe Biden's divisive speech calling the former president and his supporters fascists to the DOJ's raid on Mar-a-Lago. But now, New York Attorney General Letitia James has opened a new front in the left's attacks by filing a 220-page civil lawsuit against Donald Trump for alleged "intentional and deliberate fraud.". . .

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