Kabuki: More recently, Kabuki has entered general English as a synonym for theatrical. In the US, it is often used to describe politicians suspected of acting insincerely to please their supporters and/or attract maximum media attention.
"So here we go. Act 1 of the "Washington Kabuki Group's Traveling Action Show." Still smarting from last November's losing performance, which bombed spectacularly, the troupe has not yet figured out what the audience likes and what the audience hates. So the programs, which were printed up months ago, are still being distributed at performances because the DNC did not have access to public funds to produce new ones, and also because their Writer's Guild surely knows what the people want, whether the people want it or not.
And yesterday, as the curtain went up on one Peter Hegseth, the orchestra played its fanfare, and the group danced in on the stage before him. Still looks like it's gonna resemble last year's show. Don't think the reviews are going to be positive.
"Mr. Hegseth, you are not qualified to head the Department of Defense. You have managed a department with a budget of only 18 billion dollars," Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) quacked. "The DOD has a budget of 825 billion dollars. That's five katrillion times bigger....wait....greater than, I mean...(almost shouting now) well have you ever conducted an audit?"
"Mr. Hegseth!" Mazie Hirono (D-HI) jumped in. "I don't think you're qualified to lead the DOD either. Tell me, would you consider using armed military force to attack Panama or Greenland? Hmmmmm?"
"My Turn! My Turn!" Liz Warren (D-MA) shoved Hirono aside to take center stage. "Mr. Hegseth! Do you still think women make inferior combat soldiers? Don't you realize that I, old as dirt, can easily lug an 85 lb artillery shell?"
Then, from stage left, in jumped Timmy Kaine (D-VA, failed presidential candidate and Big Shot Wannabe. It was time to grope the bottom of the barrel and get personal.
"Mr. Hegseth, didn't you cheat on your wife? Hmmmm? Didn't you have a child with another woman while married to someone else? Hmmmm? And here in Washington, our nation's capitol, where half of the United States Congress is engaging in Sexual Congress with persons other than their spouses, you expect us on this committee to believe that your oath to the office — should you be confirmed — will mean anything when you cannot even keep your own oath to all of your wives? Hmmmmm?" . . .
Slate asks: But how did Kabuki, one of Japan’s most revered arts, come to signify loathsome fakery?
Do You Need To Be Reminded What Kabuki Theater Means In A Political Context? "
Using the phrase “kabuki theater” in the context of Congress is something of a good old American metaphorical critique, describing a situation where actions are purely symbolic, staged and, ultimately, insincere performances. In the real world, Kabuki is a traditional Japanese form of theater best known for its elaborate costumes, stylized performances and exaggerated gestures. In the context of MAGA Mike's idiotic 118th Congress, the implication is that the actions, debates, negotiations, etc are being carried out for public display and political posturing rather than genuine attempts at substantive change or progress. It suggests that the proceedings are more about appearance or ritualistic performance than achieving meaningful outcomes. Sound familiar at all?" . . .
Hegseth's Media Chops Are a Huge Plus While Facing Frothing Democrats
" As I told everyone who participated in our live blog on Tuesday, I am not a fan of televised confirmation hearings in the United States Senate. Regardless of which party is in power, the hearings are nothing more than an opportunity for a bunch of attention-starved egomaniacs to grandstand. Every senator knows going in to the hearing how he or she is going to vote, so the process is useless." . . .