Thursday, March 20, 2025


Ann Coulter  

"But the other point Trump made was that the autopen signatures proved Biden had no idea what he was doing, as if that were ever in dispute. Anyone who saw Biden’s June 27, 2024, debate performance is well familiar with his galloping senescence, but Trump is nothing if not thorough. More important than Biden not actually signing the pardons, Trump said, “he did not know anything about them!”

"Of all of President Trump’s zany ideas — making boring, self-righteous Canada the 51st state, we take Gaza, Perkins Coie lawyers banned from federal buildings — his claim that Joe Biden’s pardons are invalid because they were signed with an autopen is a winner.

"As discussed last week, Biden used the pardons not to show mercy to specific individuals, but to change the law. We’re told that no one may ever challenge a president’s clemencies, because the pardon power is “plenary.” But however plenary it is, it cannot be so plenary as to allow a president to eliminate the legislative and judicial branches. Biden’s blanket pardons of entire classes of crimes and punishments do just that.

"Suppose President Stephen K. Bannon pardoned, en masse, nearly all criminal violations of the Clean Water Act. Go ahead, dump pollutants into rivers, discharge chemical waste onto wetlands, funnel nuclear waste directly into clean water reservoirs. Maybe the EPA will convict you, but not before you’re pardoned.

"Next up, pardons for criminal convictions under the Clean Air Act, freeing developers to get on with it and rip asbestos from the walls of derelict buildings and manufacturers to belch toxic smoke from their factories and build two or three new coal-burning power plants every week. You know, like China!

" 'The best news? After President Bannon issues similarly sweeping clemencies to those convicted under the Endangered Species Act, I can finally open my long-dreamed-of restaurant that serves nothing but red wolf. Everything will be endangered-licious, from appetizers to Red Wolf Velvet Cake. 

"Totally proper use of the pardon power, right? Why wouldn’t our founders want a president to be able to single-handedly rewrite federal law, nullifying any statutes that he doesn’t like? Why else would they have called him “the king of America”? Surely, it’s every bit as sound as Biden’s Jan. 17, 2025, proclamation that the never-ratified Equal Rights Amendment “is the law of the land.” . . .

‘Another stinker’: Douglas Murray slams ‘woke remake’ of Snow White

 Sky News Australia

Comment to this video: Disney needs to stop butchering old classics, we like the old stories just like they were.... if you want a story about people of colour or trans people or some other group...Just Write A New Story!!! Are there no writers left in this world?????

"Author Douglas Murray slams the “woke remake” of Disney’s Snow White after the film’s premiere was scaled back following backlash against woke themes and cast members.
“Disney has had a terrible run of it because it … really looks horribly dated,” Mr Douglas said.
" '“Maybe you should just invent a different story and call it something different.
“Disney seemed to know that they've got another stinker of a movie here.
“Disney clearly knows that they've got to silence their star, and that's why last week the huge launch of the film was in the middle of nowhere in Spain.
“You can't help thinking that Disney's executives must have been wishing they could also give the star a poisoned apple that would set her to sleep for many years, so she didn't appear in front of the world's press again anytime soon and diminish the movie she's meant to be promoting.”

The court is out of order; District judges are vetoing the president. This will not end well

Don Surber 

 " . . .Enabling district judges to veto presidential actions is not the same thing. It is worse because it strips from everyone the right to elect the president of their choice."

"Chief Justice John Roberts has his panties in a wad because the president complained about a deep-state judge ignoring the Constitution to the point where the judge demanded that the military turn a couple of planes around in midflight like he was the air traffic controller-in-chief.

"While he was at it, why didn’t Judge Doom Boasberg not command the oceans to not rise? Look at all the money we would save on fighting global warming.

"Trump said, “I’m just doing what the VOTERS wanted me to do. This judge, like many of the Crooked Judges’ I am forced to appear before, should be IMPEACHED!!!”

"Roberts said, “For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.”

"Trump replied, “If a President doesn’t have the right to throw murderers, and other criminals, out of our Country because a Radical Left Lunatic Judge wants to assume the role of President, then our Country is in very big trouble, and destined to fail!”

"Roberts had no problem with Congress impeaching Trump for making a phone call or impeaching him for holding a rally, but Roberts sees as another matter trying to rein in a judge who is clearly off his meds.

"Well, certain judges—the ones who are darlings of the left." . . .  

"Democrats Say Fire At Tesla Facility Likely Caused By Climate Change"; when parody becomes scorn


John Russo

"After a pod of dolphins arrived to greet the returning NASA astronauts brought home by SpaceX, outraged Democrats began protesting the dolphins' actions by spray-painting swastikas on them and setting them afire. 
"Democratic leaders and their voting base, infuriated by the aggressive act of the dolphins inquisitively swimming around the capsule after it splashed down off Florida's coast, vowed to make sure they were all identified for that they are — Nazis." . . .

. . ."The Trump and Musk administration has done nothing to tackle the climate crisis, and now we're seeing the consequences," said Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. "It is a sad day when climate change is so bad that it causes instantaneous combustion of a particular brand of vehicle. Curse you, Donald Trump, for bringing this upon us!"
"Walz emphasized the urgency of the climate crisis with a recent scientific study showing that if America doesn't reduce its climate emissions, thousands more Tesla cars will likely explode." . . .

SHOCK: Terrorism How-To Guide Being Distributed to American College Students

 Ward Clark 

 It's sad, but it's becoming more apparent by the day that the very institutions that were once considered elite establishments of education have descended into racism, antisemitism, and madness.

  This terrorism how-to guide is being distributed to students. American students. In      America.

"Just when we assume things couldn't get worse, along comes Worse to remind us that we should be careful about assuming. Case in point: On Tuesday, we learned that a shadowy group is circulating a terrorist how-to guide among students. American college students, at Columbia University and, presumably, other institutions as well.

This little blood-red guide, we note, was produced by a group that celebrated the Hamas Oct. 7th attacks on Israel. It contains tips like:

Step 1 - Create a cell. A cell is an autonomous group taking actions without detection as part of Palestine Action Underground.

To build your cell, it is crucial that you only invite TRUSTED people to take part in it. You don't need loads of people either. Keeping the cell small, makes it more secure.

And then what is this cell to do? Read on:

Step 2 - Pick a Target. A starting point for research is to make sure your (sic) using a secure browser when looking into complicit companies.

And here's the goal:

Step 5 - Take Action. Adrenaline and nerves will be pumping through you at the same time. This is normal. Make sure you run through your plans right before taking action another time, to make sure everyone is on the same page. Then go for it.

Here's the cover; you see what we mean by "little red pamphlet." . . .

Ward Clark hails from Alaska’s Susitna Valley, where he maintains his rural household in one of America’s last free places.  Ward is a twelve-year veteran of the U.S. Army including service in Operation Desert Storm and (in Germany in support of) Operation Joint Endeavor, and today is a staunch minarchist libertarian, along with being an author, novelist, self-employed small businessman, woods bum, and semi-professional bad influence.

Newsom’ s Answer To California’s Business Exodus Is … A Free Burner Phone?

 Issues & Insights  

"To wit: If you tax and regulate businesses to death in the name of leftist causes, companies will leave, along with their jobs and their tax payments."

"Whenever someone gets around to cataloging lame-brained political ideas, Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to pass out free burner phones to CEOs in the state will forever top the list.

"Newsom has so far sent roughly 100 cellphones – with his direct line programmed in – to CEOs with a message that “if you ever need anything, I’m a phone call away.”

“ 'This was the governor’s idea to connect more directly with business leaders in the state,” spokesperson Izzy Gardon said.

"More accurately, it’s Newsom’s attempt to keep still more corporations from joining the well over 350 companies who’ve left the state since 2018, and the million-plus Californians who followed them out the door.

"Well, we looked into it, and we couldn’t find a single corporate executive – or individual – who said they would have stayed put if only they had a Newsom burner phone.

"Instead, they said things like “taxes are too high,” or “regulations are too stringent,” or “the cost-of-living is punishing,” or “the schools suck,” or “I’m tired of being robbed.” The state’s criminal wildfire negligence hasn’t helped either.

"When Stanford University’s Hoover Institution looked into why so many companies were leaving the state, they found that “several economic factors that have led to these departures by raising business costs, reducing productivity, and reducing profitability, including tax policies, regulatory policies, labor costs, litigation costs, energy and utility costs, and concerns about a declining quality of life within the state.”

"Indeed, by almost any ranking of business friendliness, California is at or near the bottom of the list.

  • The state ranks 48th in Tax Foundation’s Business Tax Climate Index, with only New York and New Jersey fairing worse.
  • Chief Executive magazine’s survey of CEOs finds them ranking California dead last.
  • California comes in 47th place in CNBC’s ranking of business friendliness and 45th in the cost of doing business.
  • ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index ranks California 47th for economic competitiveness.

"There are any number of other such rankings that show California at the bottom of the barrel on taxes, regulations, and the cost of doing business." . . .

Fear Democrats like Jasmine Crockett. Fear those who voted her into the American Congress!

End Wokeness on X   Musk allows freedom of speech! One hopes it will reveal to America the education system that molded people like Crockett and those who support her. TD


 Here she is with the activist son of George Soros, a fellow rich man.

Today’s Real Nazis Are In America, But They’re Not Who You Think: Kristallnacht Musk 2025

 Ned Barnett 

  . . ."Who wants to become a target, with a big red bullseye painted on their cars or dealerships, just to make an expensive point? Some will – the brave advocates of Musk and free enterprise, as well as those refuse to knuckle under to Nazi-like oppression and terror."

Toon added by TD

"In what way are the German Nazis, v.1.0., 1938, akin to the United States Nazis, v.2.0., 2025? 

"The answer may surprise you.

"Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933. Twenty months later, after the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler won 90 percent of the votes in a plebiscite on August 19, 1934, making him both chancellor and president, a new position Hitler called “Der Führer” (the Leader). 

"However, he really made his mark as the most virulent anti-semite on the planet on Nov. 9, 1938.  Then – in one awful night – vicious Jewish oppression really took hold across Germany and Austria.  

"For those without a clear understanding of what the Third Reich’s Nazis 1.0. Kristallnacht was, and what today’s Kristallnacht against Elon Musk and his companies is all about – consider the original Kristallnacht, consider what today’s far-Left Nazi 2.0.s are doing to Tesla.

"Except for the religious overtones of what the original Nazis did during Kristallnacht v.1.0, it's remarkably similar. 

"Does this massive and at least semi-official victimization sound familiar?  If you’ve been watching the firebombing of Tesla cars and trucks, as well as Tesla dealerships, it should sound familiar." . . .

                       Thousands of Tesla owners were doxxed and threatened.

                       Dozens of Teslas were set on fire and vandalized.

                       A bunch of Tesla dealerships were targeted with violence. 

Go here for much more on Tim Walz