Nice Deb

"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!
"Here are this weeks’ nominees….

New York’s comedy Newspaper, The Daily News
The Noisy Room : My submission this week is the NY Daily News for labeling the 47 US Senators as traitors, all Republicans, who sent a signed letter to Iran pointing out the minor detail that any agreement made between Obama and Iran without approval by the Senate is unconstitutional.
Utterly Unhinged Lefty Whack Job Ed Schultz!!
"The Right Planet : Following the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, by a 20-year-old thug, Jeffrey Williams, MSNBC’s resident hothead, Ed Schultz, recommended disarming the police. Let the officers carry nightsticks instead, said Sgt. Schultz. Wuut? I can hear it now: “We’re taking fire! Grab your nightsticks!!
” Apparently Mr. Ed believes only criminals and thugs should be armed with guns. Brilliant. I mean, come on. He’s just trolling us now."
."Yep, you heard that right… The Associated Students of University of California (ASUCI), a California State University in the USA, wanted to stop flying the American flag on their campus."
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