Here are some government approved songs you can sing with your kids at Christmas
Black Lives Matter Shaun King: Jesus depictions today further promote a white supremacist agenda . . . "In Atlanta, I see them everywhere I go. Jesus as a blond-haired, blue-eyed baby and his blue-eyed supermodel mother are ubiquitous and done without even a slight hint of humor. It's preposterous. It would truly be no different from depicting Christopher Columbus as a dark-skinned African or Thomas Jefferson as a long-haired Latino. People actually look a certain way." . . .
I hate to give King any credence, but to be honest with you, all the old masters did indeed paint the Apostles and Old Testament people looking like Western Europeans. One speaker from Chosen People Ministries pointed out that in the painting of the Last Supper, the only disciple who looked Jewish was Judas. TD

College campuses are a treasure trove of silliness. Cases in point:
Oberlin students say cafeteria food is racist, protest leaders should be paid Wouldn't you say their demands are racist?
Prof Wants Students to Say ‘Happy Federal Holiday’ "Terri Susan Fine wrote in “A Holiday Greeting That Applies to Everyone” that, “In our efforts to be inclusive, we show cultural insensitivity both by equating one major holiday with a minor holiday and failing to recognize that diversity includes those who celebrate neither holiday.” She notes that the typical greetings of “Merry Christmas” “Happy Chanukah” and even “Happy Holidays” only “cover most of the bases”." More here.
Mizzou Health Center Bans Christmas Decorations to Keep it a Safe Space . . . "While Evens does acknowledge “this decision will be disappointing to some,” it is no less lamentable that the holiday cheer of employees must be silenced for the sake of students who may or may not actually be offended." . . .
Prof: Not Acknowledging White Privilege Means You Believe in White Supremacy
Planned Parenthood Says Hiding HIV From Sex Partners Is A ‘Right’
“ 'Sharing your HIV status is called disclosure. Your decision about whether to disclose may change with different people and situations. You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.' ”
I could post so many more but feel the need to retreat to my safe space.
The Tunnel Dweller
. . . "Looking for family-friendly indoor activities? Have a push-up contest with the kids. They'll learn that being active is fun. #LetsMove— (@MyPlate) December 22, 2015" . . .Bill Nye Outraged Nobody Blaming “Climate Change” For Warm Christmas Time Temperatures…
Black Lives Matter Shaun King: Jesus depictions today further promote a white supremacist agenda . . . "In Atlanta, I see them everywhere I go. Jesus as a blond-haired, blue-eyed baby and his blue-eyed supermodel mother are ubiquitous and done without even a slight hint of humor. It's preposterous. It would truly be no different from depicting Christopher Columbus as a dark-skinned African or Thomas Jefferson as a long-haired Latino. People actually look a certain way." . . .
I hate to give King any credence, but to be honest with you, all the old masters did indeed paint the Apostles and Old Testament people looking like Western Europeans. One speaker from Chosen People Ministries pointed out that in the painting of the Last Supper, the only disciple who looked Jewish was Judas. TD
College campuses are a treasure trove of silliness. Cases in point:
Oberlin students say cafeteria food is racist, protest leaders should be paid Wouldn't you say their demands are racist?
Fine |
Mizzou Health Center Bans Christmas Decorations to Keep it a Safe Space . . . "While Evens does acknowledge “this decision will be disappointing to some,” it is no less lamentable that the holiday cheer of employees must be silenced for the sake of students who may or may not actually be offended." . . .
Prof: Not Acknowledging White Privilege Means You Believe in White Supremacy
Planned Parenthood Says Hiding HIV From Sex Partners Is A ‘Right’
“ 'Sharing your HIV status is called disclosure. Your decision about whether to disclose may change with different people and situations. You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.' ”
I could post so many more but feel the need to retreat to my safe space.
The Tunnel Dweller
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