Thursday, December 24, 2015

No Peace or Goodwill

Cal Thomas  . . . "People speak of "the spirit of Christmas," or when observing some special act with which they approve or seek to inspire, refer to "the true meaning of Christmas." They are never asked what they mean by either.
"The true meaning of Christmas is this: God took on the form of a human to die in our place, paying for our sins, so that humans who receive Him might be forgiven and be with Him forever.
"You are free to reject that message and the One who delivered it, but what you are not free to do is to redefine or change the message into something that fits your own beliefs and choices.
"In "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" (part of his classic "The Chronicles of Narnia" series), C.S. Lewis writes of a frozen land ruled by a "White Witch," devoid of hope. In that world, it is "always winter, but never Christmas."
"It is a metaphor for a world that has rejected God and His redemptive power. It is a world where humans choose to live as they please, rather than be transformed, even renewed. It is this world in which we now live, full of mendacity, envy, greed, lust, anger, terrorism, war, political divisions and confusion. We have forgotten who we are, because we have forgotten Whose we are.
"It is these and so many other human deficiencies the Christ child came to reset. Like a gift under a tree, however, the transaction is not complete until the one for whom the gift is intended receives it. If anyone refuses a gift, the transaction is incomplete, its purpose thwarted. Does it matter that so many reject Him? Look around and consider the result." . . .

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