Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Texas to build military base on Mexico border, in new swipe at Biden ~

"Texas plans to construct a military base along the border with Mexico, the state’s Republican governor announced Friday, as his election-year tug-of-war with the White House over migration continues to broil.

"A wave of illegal border crossings in recent months has made migration a key talking point in the US presidential election campaign once again, with Republicans seeking to pin blame for the record-high numbers entirely on Democratic President Joe Biden.

"Governor Greg Abbott made the announcement of the new base in the flashpoint border town of Eagle Pass, where he has amassed national guard troops from Texas and other Republican-led states to erect razor wire and other barriers in a bid to block migrants from entering the country.

"The town lies along the Rio Grande, the river that forms the border.

"The facility built on the site will be able to accommodate some 300 soldiers by April — and will have the ability to expand to house up to 2,300, Abott said.

“ 'This will increase the ability for a larger number of Texas military department personnel in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and more efficiently,” said the governor.

"Abbott, a supporter of former president and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, accuses the Biden administration of allowing an “invasion” of illegal migrants at the country’s southern border." . . .

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