Sunday, November 17, 2024

Fake news: "Second-Tier President: Biden Humiliated at International Economic Conference"

If the Democrats  succeed in a counter-movement to Trump as they intend, America will always be a third-world minor country, but this is obviously what the left wants.TD

PJ Media 

"Under the misrule of Old Joe Biden and those who are pulling his strings, America has become a third-rate power. The decline has been unmistakable, but it is not irreversible, and the incoming president has made the cornerstone of his entire agenda his attempt to make America great again." . . .

Family photo of leaders attending the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. The leaders are standing in alphabetical order, with🇦🇺Australia🇧🇳Brunei🇨🇦Canada and🇨🇳China toward the front of the alphabet and🇹🇭Thailand🇺🇸United States right before🇻🇳Vietnam at the end.

"Old Joe Biden, who is, you may recall, still ostensibly the president of the United States, has journeyed to Lima, Peru to attend the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference. Such conferences generally feature a lot of mind-numbing jabber while the real action takes place off the record. Then all the global top dogs gather for a group photo to show how much they love one another, and head back home until the next one.

"You’ve seen the pictures, not only from APEC, but from many other conferences like it. The president of the United States, as the leader of the world’s lone superpower, is always front and center. This has been true for as long as such conferences have been held. But not anymore. At the big photo shoot at APEC Saturday, Old Joe was relegated to the back row, standing between Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra of Thailand and President Lương Cường of Vietnam."

"Now, it’s clear from even a cursory scan of the photo that the distinguished world leaders are simply arranged in alphabetical order by country. That’s why we see in the front row, from left to right, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, Canada’s vacant-faced authoritarian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chilean President Gabriel Boric, and then Xi Jinping of China. So you see, Old Joe ended up way in the back because “United States” comes alphabetically between “Thailand” and “Vietnam.” Yes, next to Xi was Peru’s President Dina Boluarte, who was the only one out of alphabetical order by country, but Peru was hosting the conference, so Boluarte evidently thought she had pride of place.

"So that’s all there is to it: just the luck of the alphabetical draw, right? Probably not. It would be extraordinarily coincidental for APEC suddenly to decide that what they really need to do is line up all the world leaders alphabetically by country just when China is endeavoring to expand its influence worldwide, and the alphabetical arrangement just happens to put Xi front and center. It would likewise be a remarkable coincidence for the U.S. to be relegated to the back row at precisely the time that American power and prestige are less respected than they’ve been at any time since before World War I — thanks to Old Joe Biden. 

"If you’re skeptical, check out APEC’s 2023 photo. There is no hint of an alphabetical arrangement by country. Old Joe is standing proudly in the center of the front row, affecting the most convincing friendly, and confident look that he can muster. Xi is way over to the side, next to the callow Trudeau. 

"Old Joe’s demotion did not go unnoticed. The New York Post reported Saturday that “the petty humiliation of America’s leader” — yeah, they really called him that — “came ahead of his Saturday afternoon meeting with Xi — who has been feted with relative pomp throughout the APEC event in Lima as thanks for his country’s financing of a large new port on Peru’s coast.' ”

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