Friday, February 14, 2025

What’s really causing California’s wildfires?

 Sharyl Attkisson 

 "Donald Trump: I was with the head of Austria. He said, “you know it’s a shame, I see all those forest fires in California,” and all they have to do is clean their forest, meaning, rake it up, get rid of the leaves, leaves that are sitting there for five years."

"As I’ve flipped around on TV and the Internet to look at the California wildfire coverage, I rarely hear the national reporters and analysts addressing what is really one of the most important and obvious elements: What’s causing the fires?

"The announcers use language such as, “Six more fires broke out…” and “Two more fires popped up,” as if somehow fires are mysteriously spontaneously combusting out of nowhere.

"Well, we all know that doesn’t happen.

"Why isn’t there more reporting emphasis on getting at the causes of these fires? Even if we don’t know suspected causes for all of them, there are certainly investigations underway, and suspicions for some of them. 

"But too often it’s as if the news reporters don’t seem very curious. They don’t point out what’s being done to figure out the causes, or what the suspected causes are.

"A look at recent history shows that arson and faulty power lines are most frequently to blame for California’s fires. Lightning strikes from storms are also a factor, but in recent weeks there have been no reports of storms in the afflicted area.

"On my Sunday television program “Full Measure,” we’ve been reporting on the human factors behind a lot of the devastation in California’s past wildfires, and in the aftermath of the current disasters." . . .

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