Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Hamas supporter who graduated from Columbia got his green card revoked, and the left is losing its mind

Monica Showalter   

Guys like this shouldn't ever be allowed to set foot in the U.S. and the Trump administration was right to try to get this freak thrown out. 

"When pro-Hamas protests engulfed Columbia University, the place became a screaming sea of anti-semitism as leftists yelled together like Nazis, Jewish students were unable to go to class, custodians were taken hostage, the university atmosphere turned into a pigpen, and graduation diminished to a ghost of itself based on all the mess and disruption.

"In short, the protests were anything but peaceful.

"The university insisted it was outside interlopers doing it, which was partly true -- one was a forty-something man who lived off his parents in Brooklyn -- but these protests which brought such dishonor on the school had more than a few locals involved, too. To my knowledge, virtually none were expelled.

"One of them was a character named Mohammed Khalil, who just graduated from Columbia and who just had his green card yanked by ICE, which told him, 'buddy, it's time to go home.'

"The outcry from the left is amazing.

Staff leftist columnist Michelle Goldberg at the New York Times said we should all shiver from "the danger Trump's act poses to us all: . . .

. . ."Trump's act to protect the American people from terrorist agitating is worse than Hamas shooting up a music festival full of dancing kids, burning people alive in their homes, torturing and starving many of their hostages, and murdering babies and their mother in cold blood, along with a lot of other innocent people?" . . .

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