Thursday, March 20, 2025

Today’s Real Nazis Are In America, But They’re Not Who You Think: Kristallnacht Musk 2025

 Ned Barnett 

  . . ."Who wants to become a target, with a big red bullseye painted on their cars or dealerships, just to make an expensive point? Some will – the brave advocates of Musk and free enterprise, as well as those refuse to knuckle under to Nazi-like oppression and terror."

Toon added by TD

"In what way are the German Nazis, v.1.0., 1938, akin to the United States Nazis, v.2.0., 2025? 

"The answer may surprise you.

"Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933. Twenty months later, after the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler won 90 percent of the votes in a plebiscite on August 19, 1934, making him both chancellor and president, a new position Hitler called “Der Führer” (the Leader). 

"However, he really made his mark as the most virulent anti-semite on the planet on Nov. 9, 1938.  Then – in one awful night – vicious Jewish oppression really took hold across Germany and Austria.  

"For those without a clear understanding of what the Third Reich’s Nazis 1.0. Kristallnacht was, and what today’s Kristallnacht against Elon Musk and his companies is all about – consider the original Kristallnacht, consider what today’s far-Left Nazi 2.0.s are doing to Tesla.

"Except for the religious overtones of what the original Nazis did during Kristallnacht v.1.0, it's remarkably similar. 

"Does this massive and at least semi-official victimization sound familiar?  If you’ve been watching the firebombing of Tesla cars and trucks, as well as Tesla dealerships, it should sound familiar." . . .

                       Thousands of Tesla owners were doxxed and threatened.

                       Dozens of Teslas were set on fire and vandalized.

                       A bunch of Tesla dealerships were targeted with violence. 

Go here for much more on Tim Walz 

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