Sen. Mark Kirk in The Washington Times "Harvard's great economic historian, Niall Ferguson, noted that the decline of a country can be marked when it pays its moneylenders more than its army. His classic case comes from the French monarchy of the 1780s that failed to make interest payments on their debt, causing the financial collapse that triggered the revolution. Recently, Carmen Reinhard and Kenneth Rogoff wrote a brilliant book titled "This Time is Different, Eight Centuries of Financial Folly." Their vast study revealed that most government officials always believe they are unique and different, causing them to make the same mistakes that crippled past nations and empires."
Friday, March 18, 2011
Drilling Delays Inspire New Proposal to Reform Permitting Process

" “The Expedited Offshore Permitting Act aims to increase American energy production and reverse the Obama administration’s reckless anti-energy policies that are costing thousands of jobs, driving up gasoline prices and increasing uncertainty in the marketplace,” [Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX)] Flores said.
Five Questions Obama Has Not Answered on Libya
Foundry "Even if the Administration has a plan on Libya, it certainly has not communicated it to the American people. Here are just some of the fundamental questions the Administration has failed to answer as our military stands on the brink of a new and costly commitment:"
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Welfare Reform The Next Steps
Heritage "Out-Of-Control Spending: The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the U.S. into bankruptcy if allowed to continue unreformed. Since the 1960s, the U.S. has spent approximately $16 trillion on welfare. Over the next 10 years, welfare spending is projected to cost taxpayers $10.3 trillion. Today, means-tested assistance is the fastest-growing part of government, with our nation spending more on welfare than on national defense."
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Obama seeks to calm US radiation fears, calls for nuclear safety review

"Fears that a radioactive plume might drift to the continental US have caused a run on potassium iodide pills, for example, which can offset some health effects of radiation. Obama stressed Thursday that the worry driving those purchases is unfounded."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
What Would a Desperate Wimp Do?
Michael Ledeen "And so I asked myself, is there a point at which a president realizes that wimps don’t get reelected? And if so, what might he do to shatter that image? For the next two years I worried that Carter might overreact to some international crisis in order to make folks see that he was really a tough guy.
"It never happened, to my relief. But I’m starting to have the same worries about Obama. To be sure, he’s got a press that is considerably friendlier than Carter had, but even so we are seeing quite a number of stories about a president who just can’t seem to make decisions, who doesn’t seem to get it when terrible things happen, things that cry out for American leadership. The wimp seems to be mounting a comeback. If he gets tarred with that brush, he might start considering options to recreate his image. There are certainly many opportunities, from Iran to Venezuela."
"It never happened, to my relief. But I’m starting to have the same worries about Obama. To be sure, he’s got a press that is considerably friendlier than Carter had, but even so we are seeing quite a number of stories about a president who just can’t seem to make decisions, who doesn’t seem to get it when terrible things happen, things that cry out for American leadership. The wimp seems to be mounting a comeback. If he gets tarred with that brush, he might start considering options to recreate his image. There are certainly many opportunities, from Iran to Venezuela."
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Nuclear power
GRAPHIC: Inside a Nuclear Reactor
On Japanese nuke story, the boy who cried wolf might get eaten "A suicide mission for employees and others trying to lock down the reactors? If true, it would appear that we are on the brink of a worst case scenario. But the quote comes from an unnamed "US official" who may or may not know what he's talking about. It sounds scary but how real is it?
"Unfortunately, if the official is correct, it would seem that the boy who cried wolf so often about nuclear power is about to be devoured."
On Japanese nuke story, the boy who cried wolf might get eaten "A suicide mission for employees and others trying to lock down the reactors? If true, it would appear that we are on the brink of a worst case scenario. But the quote comes from an unnamed "US official" who may or may not know what he's talking about. It sounds scary but how real is it?
"Unfortunately, if the official is correct, it would seem that the boy who cried wolf so often about nuclear power is about to be devoured."
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President Hamlet / Thinking out every possible side of a question can mean never acting on any of them.
Victor Davis Hanson "But now Obama is chief executive, and learning, as did Prince Hamlet, that thinking out every possible side of a question can mean never acting on any of them — a sort of Shakespearean “prison” where “there is nothing either good or bad.” Worrying about pleasing everyone ensures pleasing no one. Once again such “conscience does make cowards of us all.”"
On Libya, the U.S. Is a Pitiful Giant
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE "There cannot be anyone not moved and impressed by the stoicism, solidity, and bravery of the entire population of the afflicted areas of Japan, as thousands have died, tens of thousands have been left homeless, hundreds of thousands are threatened by radiation and other problems, and none have looted, or even, which would be more forgivable, panicked or, as far as can be seen, engaged even in self-pity or indignities of any kind."....
"Yet the disgusting cowardice, venality, and beastliness of the underside, uniformed and otherwise, of New Orleans, one of America’s most beloved and historic cities, occurred, and the world saw it, and it behooves America to think upon it, too."
"Yet the disgusting cowardice, venality, and beastliness of the underside, uniformed and otherwise, of New Orleans, one of America’s most beloved and historic cities, occurred, and the world saw it, and it behooves America to think upon it, too."
Israelis Sitting Shiva For Fogel Family Help Save Palestinian Baby
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "What a contrast to the brutal murder of the Fogel family, including their 3 month old baby daughter."
Via Ynet News:
"Rep. Peter King is to be applauded for forcing Congress to notice the phenomenon we so gingerly call Muslim “radicalization.” The question that really begs for hearings, though, is why we continue pretending not to know what causes it."
We tend to become like that which we worship.
Via Ynet News:
After massacre, settlers help bring new life into world: IDF forces and local paramedics helped save the life of a Palestinian woman and her newly born infant Wednesday, at the settlement where Fogel relatives are sitting Shiva for the five Israelis brutally murdered last week.Why They Celebrate Murdering Children "Muslims, in fact, are more often exhorted by their scriptures to brutalize non-Muslims than Christians are urged by the gospels to love their enemies and turn the other cheek. Yet, though we assume the latter are meant to take the message to heart, we are somehow sure Islam doesn’t really mean what it says — that when Muslims strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, it must be Israel’s fault, or America’s, or something, anything, other than Islam, the only common denominator in these attacks."....
"Rep. Peter King is to be applauded for forcing Congress to notice the phenomenon we so gingerly call Muslim “radicalization.” The question that really begs for hearings, though, is why we continue pretending not to know what causes it."
We tend to become like that which we worship.
Unions, teachers, death threats and the press (Updated)
Media Silence on Wis. Death Threats Is 'Intellectual Dishonesty and Journalistic Bias' "It seems that some on the left are beginning to notice the epic journalistic malpractice going on in the media's refusal to cover a litany of death threats - some specific and credible - against Wisconsin Republicans for their support of legislation trimming the power of public sector unions.
""Burying the death threat story is a clear example of intellectual dishonesty and journalistic bias," liberal blogger Lee Stranahan succinctly put it in a piece at the Huffington Post on Tuesday. Stranahan wondered "why progressives shouldn't expect more from our media -- and ourselves -- than we expect from our political adversaries.""
Related, wouldn't you say? Windows at Washington, D.C. Republican Office Shot Out "The executive director of the Republican Committee says an air gun was probably used. Police also say they found a ‘BB’ on the ground outside the office.
"Workers believe the shooting was politically related."
Ignoring Death Threats to Wisconsin Politicians Is Media Bias "Three questions for you."
""Burying the death threat story is a clear example of intellectual dishonesty and journalistic bias," liberal blogger Lee Stranahan succinctly put it in a piece at the Huffington Post on Tuesday. Stranahan wondered "why progressives shouldn't expect more from our media -- and ourselves -- than we expect from our political adversaries.""
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Related, wouldn't you say? Windows at Washington, D.C. Republican Office Shot Out "The executive director of the Republican Committee says an air gun was probably used. Police also say they found a ‘BB’ on the ground outside the office.
"Workers believe the shooting was politically related."
Ignoring Death Threats to Wisconsin Politicians Is Media Bias "Three questions for you."
1.Do you think of Republicans and the Tea Party as dangerous, violent extremists?If you answered ‘yes’ to all three of those questions, then let me ask you one more …
2.Do you think the Wisconsin protests over GOP Governor Scott Walker’s move to strip public sector employees of collective bargaining were peaceful?
3.Do you scoff at the right wing notion that mainstream media like the New York Times, the TV networks and NPR have a liberal media bias against the conservatives?
Why isn’t the mainstream media talking about the death threats against Republican politicians in Wisconsin?
How Many Trillions Must We Waste on the War on Poverty?
Heritage "Which American politician said the following? “The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.” Had to be a mean-spirited Tea Party conservative, right? Wrong. President Franklin Roosevelt included these words in his 1935 State of the Union Address."
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