How many times have I heard Rush quote Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
"Limbaugh is likely to make this controversy work for him. For years, he's been tweaking the media and using its pushback to generate interesting/funny/pithy material. This pushback may be a lot more than he wanted from that particular tweak, but if he's the master of radio that he purports to be, he'll get it working for him."
Obama Fares Worse Among Women after Month-Long Contraception Mandate Battle "Then, from March 7 to 10--a week into the national media firestorm surrounding Rush Limbaugh's degrading remarks about Georgetown Law student and liberal activist Sandra Fluke--Washington Post/ABC conducted another poll. It found Obama's approval rating at 46 percent, down four points from February, and his disapproval rating at 50 percent, up four points from February."
From Noisy Room. Hey, I like this guy:
"Limbaugh is likely to make this controversy work for him. For years, he's been tweaking the media and using its pushback to generate interesting/funny/pithy material. This pushback may be a lot more than he wanted from that particular tweak, but if he's the master of radio that he purports to be, he'll get it working for him."
Obama Fares Worse Among Women after Month-Long Contraception Mandate Battle "Then, from March 7 to 10--a week into the national media firestorm surrounding Rush Limbaugh's degrading remarks about Georgetown Law student and liberal activist Sandra Fluke--Washington Post/ABC conducted another poll. It found Obama's approval rating at 46 percent, down four points from February, and his disapproval rating at 50 percent, up four points from February."
From Noisy Room. Hey, I like this guy:
American Thinker: Gloria Allred Inserts Self into Fluke Controversy "One must, at some point, question whether leftists like Allred -- who have lived so long in the plastic bubble of chic leftism, without accountability to anyone or to anything -- can grasp even the tiniest slivers of decency and integrity. Forget that this zealous quasi-advocate for (radical leftist) women has never demanded that David Letterman in calling for the statutory rape of Sarah Palin's daughter -- and Letterman, unlike Rush, never apologized for his remarks -- or Ed Shultz in calling Laura Ingraham a "slut" should be investigation by prosecutors. The savaging of brave conservative women, or just girls who happen to be children of those women, does not seem to trouble Allred at all."
Charles Krauthammer Schools Nina Totenberg on Romney Not Denouncing Limbaugh
"NPR's Nina Totenberg got a much-needed education Friday on the hypocrisy of the media's treatment of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's comments about Georgetown University law student and women's rights activist Sandra Fluke."