Monday, March 12, 2012

Video: Congressman Joe Walsh Unleashed: Obama is Destroying What Makes This Country Great!

Nice Deb  "“The America that our founders started that we lived under for over 100 years – where it was your life,  it was your money,  it was your freedom – government’s up there, somewhere, and every once in a while we have to deal with it –that America is long gone.”

"He says the fight is with the Nancy Pelosi Democrats:
“They truly want everyone in this country to be dependent on government. They truly want government to run everyone’s health care . They truly don’t believe in the first words of the First Amendment that give you a right to practice your faith.”
"He also had some things to say about the Republican primary candidates. If they don’t get us fired up, TOUGH, he said.
"Walsh said said he would run through a wall to get whoever the nominee is elected; “I know every day that this gentleman is in the White House – Folks! He is destroying what makes this country great. Don’t demand perfection from our nominee – say PRAYERS for him.” "

"I agree with all of that except his sympathy for the people who didn’t vote in 2008 because they were dissatisfied with McCain. We DID know enough about Obama in 2008 to have been just as motivated to get to the polls as we are this time around. Republicans who sat on their hands, or worse – voted for Obama – have a lot to answer for."

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