The Washington Times "The liberal media is so obsessed with linking the Navy Yard shooter with the AR-15 rifle that it is making up false tales of Aaron Alexis trying to obtain one.
"The New York Times attempts to give the impression that a so-called assault-weapon law stopped Alexis from buying a rifle in Virginia, but that is not true.The author, Emily Miller quotes this from the New York Times:
“The gunman who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials.”Jon Stewart: CNN's Navy Yard Misinformation 'Deliberate' "Comedian Jon Stewart opened his serious/comedic segment by saying, "For sheer accumulation of breathless wrongness, there is only one source that matters…." After the chuckles quiet, Stewart gets serious and accuses CNN of deliberately spreading misinformation."....
(Language bleeped, but still regrettable.)