Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New York Times gets it wrong, media obsessed with linking AR-15 with Navy Yard shooter

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
The Washington Times  "The liberal media is so obsessed with linking the Navy Yard shooter with the AR-15 rifle that it is making up false tales of Aaron Alexis trying to obtain one.
"The New York Times attempts to give the impression that a so-called assault-weapon law stopped Alexis from buying a rifle in Virginia, but that is not true.

The author, Emily Miller quotes this from the New York Times:

“The gunman who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials.”
Jon Stewart: CNN's Navy Yard Misinformation 'Deliberate'  "Comedian Jon Stewart opened his serious/comedic segment by saying, "For sheer accumulation of breathless wrongness, there is only one source that matters…." After the chuckles quiet, Stewart gets serious and accuses CNN of deliberately spreading misinformation."....
 (Language bleeped, but still regrettable.)
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

NYT Camouflage​s Palestinia​n Terrorism

American Thinker  "If you pick up the Sept. 18 edition of the New York Times, you will encounter the following headline on page 7 of the front section: "Palestinian Killed in Raid In West Bank."
"If you then go on to peruse other stories, you will leave with a negative impression of Israel, thanks to a headline that suggests indiscriminate killing of a Palestinian by Israeli forces. A Palestinian was killed for no good or given reason, it would seem.".... 

The Palestinian killed grew up watching theseTV programs as a child:

With a laugh track, yet.

The curse of "progressive" feminism

Youtube   "Wake up, girls. You're on the wrong side. As Muslim women suffer, feminists avert their gaze."

Here is the reaction of a Che Guevara groupie for all you feminists with Che posters in your room:
Che Shakur
Fag Condell is a RACIST WHITE DEVIL.

The usual progressive response to reasoned arguments they dislike.

"Someone's reasoning why Western feminists are quiet over the oppression and subjugation of women under extreme Islamic societies.....the gist of this person's view included an opinion, not mine, that Western feminists are death oriented, and as such, the tiresome abortion issue was brought into the discussion, most unfortunately. My firm response was....."

Obama softens on nuclear Iran: Keep components, just promise not to weaponise them

DEBKAfile  "Obama’s willingness to accept Khamenei’s oft-repeated assurance that his country’s  nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes – while letting its military program advance to the brink – leaves Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu lagging far behind and his Iranian policy with nowhere to go."

Operation Market Garden - September 17, 1944

" 'It looks very rough. If I get through this one I will be very lucky." Brigadier General James M. Gavin, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division - diary entry, night of September 16th, 1944, on the upcoming mission into Holland. "

Sen.Manchin Says Obama's Coal Policy's Beating The Crap Out His State (Too Late Joe You Helped To Elect Him)

The Lid
"West Virginia knew what it was doing when it overwhelmingly voted against President Obama in the recent election, they were trying to save their jobs. The number two coal mining state in the country knew that the President's energy policy has a goal of killing the coal industry. Well not everybody in the state knew. West Virginia Democratic Senator Manchin woke up this morning and realized that the president he helped to elect is anti-Coal.
"Manchin exploded over the Obama administration’s anti-coal policies during a senate hearing today. " ....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Conservative commentary on the Navy Yard shooter

Thirteen killed at Navy Shipyard by a crazy person (and William Jefferson Clinton)  .... "President Clinton?
"In 1993, Clinton issued an order banning guns from US military bases.
"Excepting military police and troops shooting under supervision at practice ranges, no person (regardless of rank) is today allowed to carry any weapon (including standard service pistols) onto any US military base or to keep any weapon, even stored securely, in his office or personal quarters.
"Prior to that order, officers of certain ranks were required to wear side arms."....
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
DC Mayor blames sequester for Navy Yard shooting   "Oh, for heaven's sake. Shut up. Just - shut up, will you?"

Drive-Bys Uncomfortable with Obama's Partisan Attacks in Midst of DC Shooting   "The president yesterday, when he went to start selling all the great lies he's telling about his economy went up within, what, hours of this tragedy and acknowledged it in an almost perfunctory way, and then began an onslaught, a partisan onslaught against his best friends in Washington, the Republicans."  Rush Limbaugh 

Gun Control’s Dead End "So resolved, let us lay down this marker: Those claiming that yesterday’s abomination demonstrates the need for stricter gun control are lying, or else they are ignorant, and, either way, they should be ashamed of themselves. It does no such thing."

Strategy, Ideology and the Close of the Syrian Crisis

STRATFOR  "It is said that when famed Austrian diplomat Klemens von Metternich heard of the death of the Turkish ambassador, he said, "I wonder what he meant by that?" True or not, serious or a joke, it points out a problem of diplomacy. In searching for the meaning behind every gesture, diplomats start to regard every action merely as a gesture. In the past month, the president of the United States treated the act of bombing Syria as a gesture intended to convey meaning rather than as a military action intended to achieve some specific end. This is the key to understanding the tale that unfolded over the past month."   Read more.
"The Obama administration is sending its highest-ranking speaker yet to keynote J Street’s conference in Washington.
"The group has been branded a “pro-peace” alternative to pro-Israel groups such as AIPAC, the ADL and the American Jewish Committee. Alan Dershowitz once said “J Street has done more damage to Israel than any American organization.' ”

Monday, September 16, 2013

Navy Yard Shooting Suspect Had Gun Battle With Police

Initial Thoughts on the Navy Yard Shooting "The call for a muscular governmental response each and every time that something bad happens in America is an unsavory reminder of what can best be described as our dumb first instinct — a hard-coded human reaction that is closely and dishonorably related to the same primeval impulse that leads frightened children to respond to disasters, abominations, and tragedies with a touching, but useless refrain, “make it better, Mommy.” "

Here’s How The Lamestream Media Completely Screwed Up Reporting About The Navy Yard Shooting
This from Mediaite:  “I used to work in Washington, live in Washington. This seems so unusual to me that a gunman could create this kind of havoc at a U.S. military facility,” [Carol] Costello asked her producer, Brian Todd. “Have you ever heard of this happening before, Brian?”
RELATED: Like a ‘TV Show Gone Terribly Wrong’: NBC News Reporter Riffs on Navy Yard Shooting
“I was just saying that this is so unusual, because this is such a heavily-secured military facility. I’ve worked in Washington for many years, I’ve never heard of such a thing happening,” she asked.
“Well, we haven’t either in this area, Carol,” Todd replied. “This is the first time we’ve seen something like this, at least in many, many years. Now you remember the Fort Hood shooting in 2009, where that was a member of the service who was convicted eventually of doing that shooting.”

ABC News   "Aaron Alexis, the former Navy reservist who killed 12 people during a shooting spree at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C. today, exchanged gunfire with police multiple times before he was finally shot and killed by an officer.
" 'I think the actions by the police officers, without question, helped to reduce the number of lives lost," Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy Lanier said at a news conference today.
"The death of Alexis, 34, of Fort Worth, Texas, brought the toll of the carnage at the Navy Sea Systems Command headquarters to 13. Officials said at least a dozen others were injured.

Friends Describe Navy Yard Gunman as ‘Very Polite’ Buddhist Who Loved to Meditate

Obsessed Sharpton Distorts O'Reilly 'Parasites' Comment Seven Times in a Month

Newsbusters  " Between August 13 and September 13, MSNBC's PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton has been so obsessed with FNC host Bill O'Reilly's criticism of food stamp abuse, the MSNBC host has on seven separate occasions played a clip of O'Reilly complaining that some food stamp recipients are "parasites" who abuse the system.

"But Sharpton has repeatedly portrayed O'Reilly's comment as a general attack on the poor, as his PoliticsNation program has repeatedly played the same clip -- or a shorter version -- of the FNC host. O'Reilly, from the Monday, August 12, The O'Reilly Factor on FNC:
More here: MSNBC's Sharpton Accuses FNC's O'Reilly of 'Attacking the Poor'

Krauthammer On Putin Op-Ed: ‘These Are The Fruits Of A Completely Incompetent, Epically Incompetent Foreign Policy’

Downtrend  “Here is the President of the greatest democracy on Earth,” Krauthammer continued, “being lectured, insultingly really, in an American newspaper about human rights, about international law, about the protection of the elderly and children in war time. I mean, the chutzpah of writing that by a KGB thug whose last adventure in the world was to invade Georgia, to detach two of its provinces and declare them independent, and who for the last decade has been essentially supplying Assad, whom we are essentially calling a war criminal, with huge amounts of weaponry, including the elements of poison gas.”
"Tell us how you really feel, Charles." 

Leno’s Opening Monologue Mocks The Obama Administration For Incompetence On Syria

Downtrend  "Last night on The Tonight Show, Jay Leno wasted no time in mocking the Obama Administration. He repeatedly joked about how President Obama and members of his cabinet have bungled the Syrian crisis.
" “You can tell Fall is coming to the East,” Leno quipped, “the leaves are changing faster than a White House position on Syria.”" 

...".Leno also loves to goof on Biden. Last night was no exception. “Vice President Joe Biden has been very quiet on Syria,” he said. “So at least some good has come out of this' .”

Here Are The 6 Funniest Tweets About Syria A bit of Islamic murder humor.