Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Conservative commentary on the Navy Yard shooter

Thirteen killed at Navy Shipyard by a crazy person (and William Jefferson Clinton)  .... "President Clinton?
"In 1993, Clinton issued an order banning guns from US military bases.
"Excepting military police and troops shooting under supervision at practice ranges, no person (regardless of rank) is today allowed to carry any weapon (including standard service pistols) onto any US military base or to keep any weapon, even stored securely, in his office or personal quarters.
"Prior to that order, officers of certain ranks were required to wear side arms."....
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
DC Mayor blames sequester for Navy Yard shooting   "Oh, for heaven's sake. Shut up. Just - shut up, will you?"

Drive-Bys Uncomfortable with Obama's Partisan Attacks in Midst of DC Shooting   "The president yesterday, when he went to start selling all the great lies he's telling about his economy went up within, what, hours of this tragedy and acknowledged it in an almost perfunctory way, and then began an onslaught, a partisan onslaught against his best friends in Washington, the Republicans."  Rush Limbaugh 

Gun Control’s Dead End "So resolved, let us lay down this marker: Those claiming that yesterday’s abomination demonstrates the need for stricter gun control are lying, or else they are ignorant, and, either way, they should be ashamed of themselves. It does no such thing."

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