When a Democrat loses Pat Oliphant, things are really bad.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
"The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen."
Uploaded on May 24, 2010
"Dennis Prager Q & A At University of Denver. To see what Dennis means when he says The American Trinity", go to http://www.prageru.com/ and click on "The American Trinity" for a 5 minute video explanation by Dennis. Also, there is another 37 minute speech by Dennis Prager about America's exceptionalism and uniqueness at http://www.idezignmedia.com/constitut... near the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, CA
How do you Remember USAF Four Star General George Babbitt?
Stick with me on this:
GENERAL GEORGE T. BABBITT in 2000. " General George T. Babbitt is commander of the Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The command conducts research, development, test and evaluation, and provides acquisition management services and logistics support necessary to keep Air Force weapons systems ready for war.
"The general was commissioned in 1965 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps program at the University of Washington. He trained as an aircraft maintenance officer and served as officer in charge of fighter flight lines in the United States, the Pacific and Europe. He twice commanded aircraft maintenance squadrons and was deputy commander for maintenance of a European F-15 wing.
OK, so what?
"The general was commissioned in 1965 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps program at the University of Washington. He trained as an aircraft maintenance officer and served as officer in charge of fighter flight lines in the United States, the Pacific and Europe. He twice commanded aircraft maintenance squadrons and was deputy commander for maintenance of a European F-15 wing.
OK, so what?
George Babbitt was the first drummer for the Ventures, but was too young to play in their venues. He was replaced by Mel Taylor who plays drums in this video.
Stumptown Blogger "Do you remember the Ventures and Babbitt the drummer who played "Walk Don't Run"?Do any of you remember the USAF Four Star General George Babbitt from Tacoma, WA? Anyone who thought the military is all spit and polish and discipline? Pretty interesting. General Babbitt was a drummer at one time for the Ventures.This is cool. Watch it. You will love it if you like rock n' roll. Some of you probably don't remember the Ventures. Those that do, enjoy the clip. It should bring a smile to your face."
Hat tip to Bill Smith; Rainier, Oregon
UPDATE: The intellectual cesspool that is MSNBC and it's personalities like Toure'
Nothing but crickets from those who would destroy Paula Deen, Phil Robertson and so many others for their non-PC words.
MSNBC’s Touré Thinks Holocaust Survivors Had White Privilege
How does this man have a job in national media? Disgusting and disgraceful…
Touré, the Holocaust, and Hashtagosophy "In four words he trivialized mass murder."
"Early Saturday morning, the MSNBC host/hyperventilating philosopher Touré again enlightened the world. Facing a tweeter who mentioned that his parents had survived the Holocaust and then found the American dream, Touré responded, “The power of whiteness.”
"Even for a man who thinks that Kenya sits on the Mediterranean, this was a particularly idiotic statement. With four words and an abundance of flippant pride, in one moment, Touré decided that his education project — making America understand that white supremacy still reigns — was more important than the Holocaust." ...
"But having been to any of these places, one cannot but be repelled by this tweet. It’s just too full of disdain and too ignorant of injustice. Still, we shouldn’t be surprised. Touré is a fervent hashtagosopher of the lowest order." ...
Full article...
UPDATE: Touré: Hey, sorry for using Holocaust survivors as an example of the “power of whiteness”
"Having thus proposed an exciting new strain of “white privilege” that I’m calling “Holocaust survivor privilege,” he went silent for the next three days as Twitter unloaded on him. Then, about an hour ago, he surfaced to say he’s sorry — especially for thinking that the nuances of his point would be grasped in this particular medium."
Antisemitism Is Systemic At MSNBC
"MSNBC's record, which includes a prime-time slot for Al Sharpton. the tenure of Pat Buchanan, and Chris Matthews' obsession with Jewish neo-cons is a red flag"
" Sharpton incited two anti-Semitic programs in New York City: the Crown Heights riot and the fire bombing of the Jewish-owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart in Harlem. The supposedly repentant Sharpton has never admitted or apologized for either riot, even though in the case of Freddy's much of the incitement was made on his radio program and transcripts still exist."
MSNBC’s Touré Thinks Holocaust Survivors Had White Privilege
How does this man have a job in national media? Disgusting and disgraceful…
Touré, the Holocaust, and Hashtagosophy "In four words he trivialized mass murder."
"Even for a man who thinks that Kenya sits on the Mediterranean, this was a particularly idiotic statement. With four words and an abundance of flippant pride, in one moment, Touré decided that his education project — making America understand that white supremacy still reigns — was more important than the Holocaust." ...
"But having been to any of these places, one cannot but be repelled by this tweet. It’s just too full of disdain and too ignorant of injustice. Still, we shouldn’t be surprised. Touré is a fervent hashtagosopher of the lowest order." ...
Full article...
UPDATE: Touré: Hey, sorry for using Holocaust survivors as an example of the “power of whiteness”
"Having thus proposed an exciting new strain of “white privilege” that I’m calling “Holocaust survivor privilege,” he went silent for the next three days as Twitter unloaded on him. Then, about an hour ago, he surfaced to say he’s sorry — especially for thinking that the nuances of his point would be grasped in this particular medium."
Antisemitism Is Systemic At MSNBC
"MSNBC's record, which includes a prime-time slot for Al Sharpton. the tenure of Pat Buchanan, and Chris Matthews' obsession with Jewish neo-cons is a red flag"
" Sharpton incited two anti-Semitic programs in New York City: the Crown Heights riot and the fire bombing of the Jewish-owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart in Harlem. The supposedly repentant Sharpton has never admitted or apologized for either riot, even though in the case of Freddy's much of the incitement was made on his radio program and transcripts still exist."
Carter administration all over again: The competence of President Obama questioned
Who will the president blame for this? Assuming his protective press cares enough to cover this subject, that is.
UK Guardian: White House staff tried to 'un-ring the bell' after revealing CIA chief's identity
"The White House blew the cover of the top CIA agent in Afghanistan on Sunday, when the person’s name was included on a list given to reporters during a visit to the country by President Barack Obama.
"The name was then emailed by the White House press office to a distribution list of more than 6,000 recipients, mostly members of the US media.
"The agent in question, listed as chief of station, would be a top manager of CIA activity in Afghanistan, including intelligence collection and a drone-warfare programme under which unmanned aerial vehicles mount cross-border attacks into Pakistan."
Get this man out of that country NOW
With new troubles, questions mount about Obama's competence " 'You've been a United States senator less than two years, you don't have any executive experience. Are you ready to be president?" the late Tim Russert asked Obama on NBC."
In response, candidate Barack Obama did not address this question.
Why is Team Obama unable to bring home Marine held in Mexico? "After he was treated, officials chained all four of his limbs to his hospital bed. Now back in jail, he remains chained to his bed by one leg.
"Equally egregious is our own government’s lack of desire and priority to negotiate Tahmooressi’s release." Lucianne.
BBC: Is US foreign policy 'vacuous, vapid and weak'? "The most senior Republican on the Senate Foreign affairs committee, Bob Corker, tells me there are "questions about the United States that haven't been there in time in the past".
" 'And I think that creates a vacuum and in that vacuum other people step in," he said.
" 'I am very concerned about the lack of a clear-sighted foreign policy in our country." Lucianne.
Fear and anger among allies
Letterman writer Bill Scheft: "It's not because he's black and it's not because we're afraid. It's just that he's, just so far, just a little too damn competent and we ain't used to that. [multiple panelists say "yeah."] "
Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent' ... "Haberman of Politico agreed, cited more examples, and added: "All of this adds up to somebody who just doesn't seem at all involved.' "
UK Guardian: White House staff tried to 'un-ring the bell' after revealing CIA chief's identity
President Barack Obama greets US troops during a his visit to Afghanistan,
which led to the CIA's station chief's identification.
"The name was then emailed by the White House press office to a distribution list of more than 6,000 recipients, mostly members of the US media.
"The agent in question, listed as chief of station, would be a top manager of CIA activity in Afghanistan, including intelligence collection and a drone-warfare programme under which unmanned aerial vehicles mount cross-border attacks into Pakistan."
Get this man out of that country NOW
With new troubles, questions mount about Obama's competence " 'You've been a United States senator less than two years, you don't have any executive experience. Are you ready to be president?" the late Tim Russert asked Obama on NBC."
In response, candidate Barack Obama did not address this question.
"Equally egregious is our own government’s lack of desire and priority to negotiate Tahmooressi’s release." Lucianne.
BBC: Is US foreign policy 'vacuous, vapid and weak'? "The most senior Republican on the Senate Foreign affairs committee, Bob Corker, tells me there are "questions about the United States that haven't been there in time in the past".
" 'And I think that creates a vacuum and in that vacuum other people step in," he said.
" 'I am very concerned about the lack of a clear-sighted foreign policy in our country." Lucianne.
We don't want conflict but the best way of preventing conflict in the world is retaining American power in the world” Professor Nick Burns Harvard professor of international relations

Letterman writer Bill Scheft: "It's not because he's black and it's not because we're afraid. It's just that he's, just so far, just a little too damn competent and we ain't used to that. [multiple panelists say "yeah."] "
Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent' ... "Haberman of Politico agreed, cited more examples, and added: "All of this adds up to somebody who just doesn't seem at all involved.' "
The 44th president – who once said that his accomplishments could compare favorably with those of any of his predecessors with the “possible exceptions” of Lyndon Johnson, FDR, and Abraham Lincoln – has always had a huge opinion of his executive gifts. The American people no longer share it. As a political creature, Obama’s talents are undeniable. When it comes to competent governance, they turned out to be anything but.
Baby Formation In 0-9 Months In The Womb.
Admire the perfect creation by God "This is one of the most amazing things in the world. Watching from conception until birth has blown me away. If you enjoyed this beautiful video, Share it below."
Obama Care: The Missing Media Label For Obama's Presidency
"When a reporter asked in a two-part question whether Obama had been "caught by surprise" by the mushrooming scandal at the VA, Obama ignored it." Via Lucianne
Monday, May 26, 2014
US foreign policy: Trouble abroad
The Financial Times
"Barack Obama is accused of timidity overseas, thereby raising fear and anger among allies."
"Eighteen months later, the political ground is shifting rapidly beneath Mr Obama’s feet. As he prepares to give an important address on foreign policy at West Point tomorrow, the president finds himself under attack over what critics charge is a record of indecisive leadership."
So many uninformed, uninterested Obama voters must be taught in the months ahead just how our foreign policy matters to the well-being of this nation. It will not be easy, given the anti-American point of view in academia and in the journalism graduates it turns out.
"Barack Obama is accused of timidity overseas, thereby raising fear and anger among allies."
"When President Barack Obama ran for re-election in 2012, he pulled off what for Democrats was a remarkable feat – he took foreign policy off the table as a campaign issue.
"Ever since Harry Truman was accused of “losing China”, Republicans have sought to cast their Democratic opponents as weak in the face of foreign challenges. Yet fresh from his risky but successful military operation to kill Osama bin Laden, Mr Obama side-stepped the usual assault during his re-election campaign. His challenger Mitt Romney hardly brought up foreign policy.
"Eighteen months later, the political ground is shifting rapidly beneath Mr Obama’s feet. As he prepares to give an important address on foreign policy at West Point tomorrow, the president finds himself under attack over what critics charge is a record of indecisive leadership."
So many uninformed, uninterested Obama voters must be taught in the months ahead just how our foreign policy matters to the well-being of this nation. It will not be easy, given the anti-American point of view in academia and in the journalism graduates it turns out.
... "The months of painstaking discussion in the first term over whether to put more troops into Afghanistan have been matched in the second term by a series of reviews of Syria policy, which have each ended with Mr Obama deciding to do little."
“ 'While the wolf is eating the sheep, there is no shepherd to come to the rescue of the pack,” former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal told the FT."
"Assailed by complicated crises and mounting criticism, Barack Obama still has one clear shot at leaving a substantial foreign policy legacy – the nuclear talks with Iran."
Good luck with that: Iran’s Supreme Leader: Jihad Will Continue Until America is No More
"Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, all but said on Sunday that negotiations over the country’s illicit nuclear program are over and that the Islamic Republic’s ideals include destroying America."
Is this a declaration of war or isn't it?
Mr. Ramirez’s cartoons cut to the heart of an issue like no others…
The White House vowed to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by year's end. That's if they agree to leave. If given the choice between surviving Taliban attacks in the Afghan mountains and surviving VA care when they get home, they like their chances in the mountains.
President Obama explained he didn't know about the VA hospital scandal until he heard about it from reporters Monday. That's pretty much the pattern. President Obama doesn't hold press conferences to make news, he holds press conferences to find out what's in the news. Argus Hamilton
President Obama to Unveil Foreign Policy in a Speech at the One Place Where No One Will Question Him...
"... Via CNN:
Eager to respond to criticism of his foreign policy approach to recent crises, from Syria to Ukraine, President Barack Obama will lay out his vision on Wednesday at the commencement at West Point for how the United States should apply force around the world..." 'Eager to respond"???
Obama commencement speech at West Point more about him than cadets "During his commencement speech at "the Point," Obama hopes to project the strong image of a leader in-charge of the world's most powerful nation, rather than being viewed as the weak leader of a declining nation, said Mike Baker, a political strategist.
" 'There's a bit of danger in his using the West Point graduation to kickoff his new round of speeches: Wednesday's ceremony is supposed to be a celebration of the achievements of the graduating cadets, not a special occasion for Obama to bash Republicans and his predecessor George W. Bush," said Baker."
In his previous speech at the academy, Cadets at West Point were ORDERED to show enthusiasm for the President's speech. ... "Just minutes before the president took the stage inside Eisenhower Hall, the gathered cadets were asked to respond "enthusiastically" to the speech. But it didn't help: The soldiers' reception was cool.
"One didn't have to be a cadet on Tuesday to feel a bit of nausea upon hearing Obama's speech." ...
Just minutes before the president took the stage inside Eisenhower Hall, the gathered cadets were asked to respond "enthusiastically" to the speech. But it didn't help: The soldiers' reception was cool.
One didn't have to be a cadet on Tuesday to feel a bit of nausea upon hearing Obama's speech. It was the least truthful address that he has ever held. He spoke of responsibility, but almost every sentence smelled of party tactics. He demanded sacrifice, but he was unable to say what it was for exactly.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b61_1259774057&c=1#IUVfuwhjMc65TZE7.99
The man who treated our veterans this way must be honored or else. " 'It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. One didn't have to be a cadet on Tuesday to feel a bit of nausea upon hearing Obama's speech. It was the least truthful address that he has ever held. He spoke of responsibility, but almost every sentence smelled of party tactics. He demanded sacrifice, but he was unable to say what it was for exactly.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b61_1259774057&c=1#IUVfuwhjMc65TZE7.99
“ 'We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.' ”
9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach
The Fallen 9000 " It was one of the decisive moments of the Second World War... One hundred and fifty thousand allied troops storming the beaches of Normandy... But D-Day came at a terrible cost. 9,000 fell in the initial fighting... and last weekend they were remembered on one of the French beaches where they died. Joe Inwood was there to see a unique project by artists from Yorkshire - honouring the fallen."
"British artists Jamie, accompanied by numerous volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes representing fallen people into the sand. Titled The Fallen 9000, the piece is meant as a stark visual reminder of those who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6th, 1944 during WWII. The original team consisted of 60 volunteers, but as word spread nearly 500 additional local residents arrived to help with the temporary installation that lasted only a few hours before being washed away by the tide.
Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, CA
The rusting hulks you see are from the "Mulberry" harbor built after D Day to offload ships. It was destroyed in a terrible storm at that time.
Visualize Arromanches as it must have looked on June 6th, 1944:
Bear in mind that all those dead were not just at Arromanches, but at the numerous landing sites shown below.
Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, CA
The rusting hulks you see are from the "Mulberry" harbor built after D Day to offload ships. It was destroyed in a terrible storm at that time.
Visualize Arromanches as it must have looked on June 6th, 1944:
Bear in mind that all those dead were not just at Arromanches, but at the numerous landing sites shown below.
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