Wednesday, April 4, 2018

CNN's own David Hogg, gun salesman

UPDATE: Enough already: Parkland kids' fifteen minutes of fame is over
Now, as teenagers are wont to do, they've taken their passion too far.  Their idealism, which was shaped and spurred by a tragic event, has turned into vitriolic animosity.  Hogg and his peers are no longer asking for gun control legislation – they want to eradicate the reputation of anyone who offers disagreement, creating a new caste of opinionated untouchables.
Thomas Lifson  . . . "David Hogg is now helping to increase the number of firearms in the hands of Americans, the very opposite of what he says he wants to accomplish. One of the drawbacks of being a young crusader is the inability to predict complex cause-and-effect reactions. Everything seems so simple and clear when you are young and ignorant of human nature and cannot fathom in the least the ways of thinking of people who disagree with you."

Gun Sales Soar, Set Record in March Amid Push for New Gun-Control Measures

"March background checks smash old record by almost 250,000 with over 2.7 million checks."

Youtube Shooting Witness: “I Didn’t Have A Gun On Me, Wish I Did”
Strangely, the video was not found on YouTube.

David Hogg on Whether Shadow Groups Are Supporting Ingraham Boycott: ‘I Don’t Have Any Shadowy Figures Behind Me’
. . . "Hogg's attempt at a boycott campaign got the attention of Media Matters for America president Angelo Carusone, who has been instrumental in targeting Fox News host Sean Hannity's advertisers. Hogg's tweet prompted Carusone to warn him about the importance of being "careful with advertiser lists unless you really know the source they came from and how they compiled."

"Media Matters was founded by David Brock, an ally of Hillary Clinton, and is partly funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, who donated a $1 million back in 2010 "to hold Fox News accountable for the false and misleading information they so often broadcast." Think Progress editor and founder Judd Legum has also been instrumental in pushing the boycott on Twitter and through multiple articles on his website.

"Hogg then shifted the conversation away from shadowy groups to discuss the negativity aimed at the gun control movement, where he has emerged as a national voice."

The Slammer

California Democrats Invoke Race as They Propose Limits When Police Can Shoot Guns

Saving the Republic

"Here you have a clear example of what happens when there is one party rule in a state. CA legislators are out of control now proposing a bill when police will be allowed to use their guns! Not one of these people has ever experienced the split second life and death situation many police and sheriff deputies face everyday on the street. This is really no surprise to see from the very same people who are systematically legislating the Second Amendment into oblivion in CA. Gun owners are under constant attack, new laws are proposed after every major mass shooting, it’s no wonder these radicals now want to dictate when law enforcement can use their guns." . . .
. . . 
"Race did not play a role in the Sacramento police shooting of Stephon Clark. To compare that shooting with what happened in Parkland is demonstrably false, and deceitful. The Parkland killer didn’t have a weapon on him when he was arrested. He followed the orders by the arresting officer, he did not try to run and it wasn’t dark where he could have had something in his hands that could’ve been mistaken for a gun. These legislators are using race to justify the action which will result in cops getting killed.
"There have already been instances where police were hesitant to draw their weapons over fears of what will happen as a result of firing their weapon. …"

‘Remarkably stupid’: Calif Dems push ‘first of its kind’ legislation restricting when a cop can use his gun  . . . "And somewhere between “when reasonable” and “when necessary” lay the bodies of dead cops who, with added pressure of whether its legal to use their service weapon, hesitate a second too long.

"The co-author of the “first of its kind state law,” Democrat Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, added that the bill is intended to ensure state policy “stresses the sanctity of human life.”
"This coming from those who support the killing of unborn children." . . .

DOJ: Border-Crossers Have 88 Percent Chance of Evading Deportation by Claiming ‘Credible Fear’


"The issue of the country’s loose asylum laws — where foreign nationals can claim that they are fearing for their lives in their native country and be released into the U.S. until their day in court — has sparked debate, as a caravan of 1,500 Central American asylum-seekers are headed for the southern border.
"In 88 percent of cases, foreign nationals seeking asylum in the U.S. evade immediate deportation after claiming credible fear, according to DOJ. Only half of the foreign nationals who evade immediate deportation by claiming credible fear, however, end up filing for asylum status after they are released into the U.S.
"As Attorney General Jeff Sessions has noted, the fact that only half of the asylum-seekers end up seeking asylum once they are in the U.S. “suggests” that their claims of credible fear are not valid and that they were using the country’s loose asylum laws to enter the U.S.
"After former President Obama’s administration acted as a rubber stamp for asylum-seekers looking to permanently stay in the U.S., the number of credible fear cases increased from 5,000 in 2009 to 94,000 in 2016.
"At the border alone, between 2009 and 2016 credible fear claims by border-crossers increased from 3,000 cases to nearly 70,000 cases. Now, the immigration courts have been hampered by a backlog of more than 600,000 immigration cases pending." . . .

YouTube shooter ID’d as woman with apparent vendetta against company. Politicians call for gun control in

Update: This Incident Shows How Heeding Warning Signs of a School Shooter Works Better Than Gun Control  "All of the glaring red flags surrounding the Parkland shooter were ignored.
"Authorities failed to connect the dots through years of bad behavior, incidents on and off campus, as well as reports from concerned citizens that the shooter was displaying worrisome behavior." . . .
"[YouTube] stopped everything and now she has no income."
- Ismail Aghdam, father of shooting suspect Nasim Aghdam

Fox News  "The woman suspected of shooting three people at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, Calif. before killing herself was furious with the company because it had stopped paying her for videos she posted on the platform, her father said late Tuesday.

"The police identified the shooter as Nasim Aghdam, 39, of Southern California -- and said they had a run-in with her earlier in the day.

"Ismail Aghdam said he reported his daughter missing on Monday after she did not answer her phone for two days. He said the family received a call from Mountain View police around 2 a.m. Tuesday saying they found Nasim sleeping in a car.

"He said he warned them she might be headed to YouTube because she "hated" the company.

"Mountain View Police spokeswoman Katie Nelson confirmed officers located a woman by the same name asleep in a vehicle asleep in a Mountain View parking lot Tuesday morning." . . .

YouTube shooter's father says daughter 'hated' the company, warned Mountain View police about her issues
"Suspected YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam drove more than 500 miles from San Diego to reach the tech giant’s San Bruno, Calif., headquarters because “she was angry,” according to her father." . . .
"The four victims in the shooting were not immediately identified." . . .

"San Bruno investigators initially believed the shooting was motivated by a domestic dispute but later said there was no evidence to suggest she knew the victims or targeted them.". . .
[Her father] said the site “stopped everything,” preventing Aghdam from making money off dozens of videos about vegan cooking tips, animal rights activism and music videos in foreign languages.
She spoke some in Farsi, a Persian language spoken in Iran. Her family moved to the US from Iran in 1996.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

UPDATED: Mike ‘MyPillow’ Lindell rocks it with proud, pro-Laura Ingraham tweet

. .But Lindell’s one of the good guys — one of the true-blue American types who didn’t allow the storm to sweep away his principles, to kill his free speech and free expression. He’s one who didn’t flee when the battle came to his door
I'm sure the left is busy with internet searches as we speak to come up with any dirt on Mr. Lindell they can find. And when they find some, they will publish it.
 My wife and I each sleep on his pillows and love them, by the way. TD

Washington Times  "Mike Lindell, of
“MyPillow”inventing and founding company fame, put forth a bold message on his Twitter feed that, in just a few short words, smacked to shame-land the would-be fascists and wanna-be censors of the world who’ve been demanding Laura Ingraham’s head on a Fox News platter.

"Listen up, all you cowardly and wishy-washy boycotting businesses: This is how it’s done.
"Lindellwrote: “I did not take my advertising down from @IngrahamAngle and @FoxNews, nor do I intend to.”
"Bam. What a stand-up guy. What a brave guy, a principled, pro-America guy.
"So very different than the dozen or so weak-kneed advertisers who quaked in their shoes and pulled their Fox News spots just because they were contacted by a bunch of minor-age kids with a petty, petulant point of view — minor-age kids led by David Hogg, resident Fascist-In-Training for the hard left.
"It was Hogg who called for a company boycott of Ingraham’s show simply because she characterized him as whiney for complaining about his failure to get into one of his colleges of choice."
. . . "Several advertisers threw down with Hogg’s side. Among: Hula, Nutrish, TripAdvisor Inc., Nestle SA, Wayfair Inc., Expedia Group Inc., Stitch Fix, Bayer, Ruby Tuesday, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Office Depot, Atlantis Paradise Island resort, Jenny Craig, Johnson & Johnson and MiracleEar."
. . . "But Lindell’s one of the good guys — one of the true-blue American types who didn’t allow the storm to sweep away his principles, to kill his free speech and free expression. He’s one who didn’t flee when the battle came to his door.
"And for that, he stands apart and above. . "

‘My Pillow’ CEO Says He Will Not Be Bullied By Hogg Boycott, Will Stay With Ingraham, Fox  "Because it isn’t really about Hogg or Ingraham per se, it’s about fighting the leftist attempt to censor those with which they disagree."

UPDATE:  I ordered four My Pillows. Maybe you should too . . . "Mark Reilly, managing editor of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal, promptly reported a scandal involving Lindell.
" 'Mike Lindell, the CEO of Chaska-based MyPillow Inc., has been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump since before the 2016 election. And he's still a big enough booster to spend Easter Weekend at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort," Reilly reported.
"Wow. And he gave the maximum donation to Trump's campaign.
"And a My Pillow! 
"Will Reilly list all the maximum donors to Hillary? I think they wanted a little more than an Easter egg.
"The Marxist fascists have politicized everything.
"We can win this pillow fight." . . .  From Don Surber

Editorial: Carson's HUD Spurns Obama-Era Radicalism

Weekly Standard

"On Thursday, March 29, Ben Carson found himself in the news again. This time the problem wasn't his purchase of an expensive dining hutch (for which the housing secretary received condign criticism, including from this magazine) or his aim of shortening his agency's garbled mission statement (for which he deserved no criticism at all, in our view).

"This time, rather, Carson has committed a new offense—that of rejecting his predecessors' policies.

" 'The policy shift," explains the New York Times, "detailed in interviews with 20 current and former Department of Housing and Urban Development officials and in internal agency emails, is meant to roll back the Obama administration's attempts to reverse decades of racial, ethnic and income segregation in federally subsidized housing and development projects."

"The implication given by the Times report is that whereas the Obama administration simply wanted to "reverse decades of racial, ethnic and income segregation"—and who wouldn't want to do that?—the nasty ol' Trump administration wants to "roll back" all those efforts. Nothing in the remainder of this 1,200 word story would lead the reader to believe the narrative is any more complicated than that.

" . . . and (3) Carson's HUD chose not to punish Houston city officials for blocking the placement of a mixed-race public housing development near a wealthier, predominantly white neighborhood.

"Readers may draw their own conclusions about the merits or deficiencies of the Times story. In any case, it arises from a commonplace phenomenon that goes something like this: The new administration interprets its mission differently from the previous administration; bureaucrats accustomed to the former way of doing things take their complaints to the New York Times; the paper publishes a story about the new agency's scandalous betrayal of its mission.
"Fair enough, but forgive us if we fail to be outraged." . . .

"Break up the caravan"? Yeah, right.

Mexico Breaks Up Caravan Of Migrants Headed For US Border
. . . "The caravan, which numbers about 1,200, is currently in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. Organized by the group Pueblos Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), it has been trekking north through Mexico with the aim of drawing attention to “migrant rights” and, potentially, applying for asylum in the U.S.
"In a statement released Monday night, the Mexican foreign ministry said 400 of the migrants in the caravan entered Mexico illegally and had already been repatriated. The remaining migrants will be subjected to an “administrative migration procedure,” the government said, though it was unclear how many marchers would be allowed to continue their journey to the U.S. border." . . .
Or have they? 
 Thomas Lifson "Mexico claiming it will disband Central American caravan heading toward US border"
"It looks like President Trump's tweets have had an effect on Mexico.  Whether or not you believe that our southern neighbor will follow through, at least they realize they have a P.R. problem and face some serious consequences for aiding and abetting violations of our border.  Joshua Partlow and David Agren, reporting in the Washington Bezos Post, totally buy into the Mexican P.R. effort:" . . .

. . . "President Trump put the Mexican government in box.  The Mexicans realize that Mexico has benefited from NAFTA far more than the U.S., and as they watch Trump slapping tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum, they see that they are in serious jeopardy.  They may assume that lip service will suffice.  If so, they still don't understand President Trump."

Democrats want them here to vote Democrat, saying these are Americans at heart and will love this country. See if this shows you how much Mexicans love America and if they, with the aid of US leftists, are making California a Mexican colony:  
U.S. soccer team booed in their own country as Mexican fans turn LA into an 'away' game
Despite being the 'home' side in California's Rose Bowl stadium, the majority of fans - most of them American born of naturalized Mexicans - booed and jeered the U.S. team.The surprising scenes were followed by angry outbursts from U.S. team goalkeeper Tim Howard, who was visibly shaken after the entire post match ceremony was conducted in Spanish.
 South rises: In many South states, the Hispanic population has doubled on ten years ago, with Hispanics outstripping whites for the first time in New Mexico - 46 to 40 per cent

South rises: In many South states, the Hispanic population has doubled on ten years ago, with Hispanics outstripping whites for the first time in New Mexico - 46 to 40 per cent

A country without statues is not much of a country

First, these people do not love their country.  So what country do they love?  As I recall, Geronimo did not allow dissent or an opposition party.  They present a false view of the past, or "white man is bad" and "everybody else is a victim."
Geronimo decided to use the smoke as a screen for an escape, and instructed the women to strangle the remaining infants so their cries would not give away their position. If they refused, he declared, he would leave them all to their fates. Geronimo had abandoned women and children three times before. He believed saving his warriors took precedence over the fate of the noncombatants.
 Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . . "My dad would often watch Fox News, and we'd chat about the news segment.  On one occasion, we spoke about taking down statues.  He said statues are like family photos – a reminder of where you came from.  You can't delete them any more than you can erase that family member you are not proud of.  My dad warned me that this movement will eventually divide the country into factions.
"And yes, my father was right.  We need to be cautious about erasing the past.
"The latest news on this front is about Native Americans and the town of Arcata, California, as we see in this Los Angeles Times report:
No other city has taken down a monument to a president for his misdeeds. 
But Arcata is poised to do just that. 
The target is an 8½-foot bronze likeness of William McKinley, who was president at the turn of the last century and stands accused of directing the slaughter of Native peoples in the U.S. and abroad.
"Put a rope around its neck and pull it down," Chris Peters shouted at a recent rally held at the statue, which has adorned the central square for more than a century.
"Lynch McKinley?  All I can say is wow, and who is next?" 

Stay outa the mud, conservatives!

Tony Branco

"Democrats and the mainstream media need David Hogg to stay in the limelight if their anti-Second Amendment agenda is to succeed."
Gonzo Overkill

Fox News kahunas call BS on Hogg's ad boycott and say Ingraham will stay  . . . It was the right move.  Obviously, the adults are back at Fox.  Someone made them come over there.  Someone understands what is at stake with Hogg's kid tantrum, which has since been exploited by sleazy Washington, D.C. Democratic Party-linked smear outfits, such as Media Matters, which aided Hogg in extending it into its bid to shut down the free press.  The kahunas saw through it, roused themselves, and now have spoken.  Look at how badly this had degenerated in this exchange on CNN, as reported in the Daily Wire:
On Saturday, Hogg appeared on CNN where he called Ingraham a bully and said that the only way he would ever appear on her show again is if she apologized to every person she had every hurt "throughout her professional career because of her immaturity and unprofessionalism."
CNN's Ana Cabrera turned the tables on Hogg, informing him that some people think he, in fact, is a bully, to which he responded, "I don't agree with it."
"The Los Angeles Times did some decent digging and found that the advertiser boycott so heralded by the press wasn't really an advertiser boycott that hit Fox News's bottom line.  Most of the advertisers just pulled their ads from the show and shifted them onto other Fox News shows, and within a month's time, after Hogg is old stale news, they may be back.  Ingraham, meanwhile, will return from her vacation and resume broadcasting as normal." . . .  

Scammed by a Black, a Woman, and Now a 17-Year-Old

*Women defend themselves with guns against sexual abuse 200,000 times per year.  Guns are used 80 times more often to save a life than to take a life.  Of the 2,581,268 gun-related incidents each year, 2,549,596 are self-defense.  Only 31,000 are assaults.  American gun-owners kill 1,500 criminals each year.  Police kill 600 criminals annually.
Lloyd Marcus  . . . "Tragically, both women were found by their home invaders.  While she screamed, cried, and begged for her life, the burglar pressed his pistol against one woman's head and pulled the trigger, killing her instantly.  In the second home invasion, the burglar shot the woman over ten times.  She survived and praises God for her miraculous survival.

"In both cases, these women would have had a fighting chance had they been armed.  I asked myself, why on Earth does the American left so passionately want such women disarmed, defenseless, and at the mercy of evil criminals.  With leftists claiming to be extreme advocates for women, desiring to disarm women does not make logical sense.  And yet disarming every law-abiding citizen in America is exactly what leftists are trying to do, campaigning to demonize the NRA and gun-owners." . . .
"My fellow Americans, leftists view you only as pawns.  Your lives are mere tools to use to further their anti-God, anti-freedom, and anti-America agendas.  Leftists are willing to sacrifice your well-being, best interests, and lives to further their extreme causes and ideas.  This is why leftists use everything that happens in life – every accident, every tragic event, even the weather, to move the ball toward their goal."
* Statistics again, and who can trust them? Yet here this writer - and I - use them to promote our cause. His source.

Adults weaponized the Parkland kids, who will ‘lead’ only so long as they’re useful.

David Hogg Isn’t a Bully, His Adult Allies Are

"Let’s begin by stating the obvious. There is not a single American corporation, media entity, or adult activist who actually takes direction from David Hogg or any other Parkland victim. Every single thing they do in response to Hogg’s public comments is done willingly — gleefully, even — because Hogg is their tool. He’s their sword and their shield. He is their excuse for doing exactly what they want to do.
By now we know how this pitiful game works. Hogg, egged on by cheering adults, says vicious, cruel, and often false things about their political opponents, and they cheer all the louder. They love it. They quite obviously can’t get enough of it. In this way, Hogg is an expression of the liberal id, a person who “destroys” the opposition in ways that are far more savage and intended far more personally than anything you’ll see from late-night television.
. . . 
"So, here we are, once again. While advertisers of course have every legal right to boycott, the response to offensive speech in the marketplace of ideas isn’t better speech but rather an effort to use raw economic power to punish your political enemies. Transgress one of the ever-shifting lines of public discourse (even if you apologize), and you’re instantly fighting for your job.
"Hogg isn’t the bully here. His powerful adult allies are. They built this culture. This is the culture of the progressive corporate boardroom, the progressive academy, and all too many sectors of media and the arts. In this culture, Hogg is a weapon to wield so long as he’s useful. He’s the latest in a long line of victims/activists who spend their time as the “face” of an immense movement, pushed forward by the media until that moment when the news cycle moves on, other victims emerge, and other outrages inflame the masses." . . .
. . . "Apart from hardcore political junkies, no one’s paying any attention to the Ingraham boycott or which companies are participating. The only exposure most people have probably had to this story is seeing a headline somewhere that Ingraham made fun of Hogg over his college rejections, which is a bad story even if it notes her apology but not so bad that her show will remain forever toxic to corporate America. No surprise Fox is sticking with her." . . .

Maxine Waters: Pictures of Tide Prove Climate Change-Fiction!

Let the left - CNN, for one example - be the only source of fake news
Summary of eRumor:U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California, tweeted side-by-side pictures of Venice Beach at high and low tide as proof that climate change is real and is impacting California’s coast.
maxine waters climate change

Truth or Fiction "Maxine Waters didn’t tweet these side-by-side pictures of Venice Beach at high and low tide to prove that climate change is having an impact on California beaches.
"The tweet was from a fake Twitter handle in effort to make it appear that Maxine Waters was naive to natural environmental forces, or that she was intentionally trying to misinform people.
"The image shows Venice Beach at high and low tides and includes the caption, “This is Venice Beach, in my district. And these were taken only 6 hours apart! Still think climate change isn’t real?”
. . . 
"The handle for Waters’ official account is @MaxineWaters, and the handle for the imposter account was @MaxineVVaters." . . .   Also here.