Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A country without statues is not much of a country

First, these people do not love their country.  So what country do they love?  As I recall, Geronimo did not allow dissent or an opposition party.  They present a false view of the past, or "white man is bad" and "everybody else is a victim."
Geronimo decided to use the smoke as a screen for an escape, and instructed the women to strangle the remaining infants so their cries would not give away their position. If they refused, he declared, he would leave them all to their fates. Geronimo had abandoned women and children three times before. He believed saving his warriors took precedence over the fate of the noncombatants.
 Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . . "My dad would often watch Fox News, and we'd chat about the news segment.  On one occasion, we spoke about taking down statues.  He said statues are like family photos – a reminder of where you came from.  You can't delete them any more than you can erase that family member you are not proud of.  My dad warned me that this movement will eventually divide the country into factions.
"And yes, my father was right.  We need to be cautious about erasing the past.
"The latest news on this front is about Native Americans and the town of Arcata, California, as we see in this Los Angeles Times report:
No other city has taken down a monument to a president for his misdeeds. 
But Arcata is poised to do just that. 
The target is an 8½-foot bronze likeness of William McKinley, who was president at the turn of the last century and stands accused of directing the slaughter of Native peoples in the U.S. and abroad.
"Put a rope around its neck and pull it down," Chris Peters shouted at a recent rally held at the statue, which has adorned the central square for more than a century.
"Lynch McKinley?  All I can say is wow, and who is next?" 

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