Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Maxine Waters: Pictures of Tide Prove Climate Change-Fiction!

Let the left - CNN, for one example - be the only source of fake news
Summary of eRumor:U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California, tweeted side-by-side pictures of Venice Beach at high and low tide as proof that climate change is real and is impacting California’s coast.
maxine waters climate change

Truth or Fiction "Maxine Waters didn’t tweet these side-by-side pictures of Venice Beach at high and low tide to prove that climate change is having an impact on California beaches.
"The tweet was from a fake Twitter handle in effort to make it appear that Maxine Waters was naive to natural environmental forces, or that she was intentionally trying to misinform people.
"The image shows Venice Beach at high and low tides and includes the caption, “This is Venice Beach, in my district. And these were taken only 6 hours apart! Still think climate change isn’t real?”
. . . 
"The handle for Waters’ official account is @MaxineWaters, and the handle for the imposter account was @MaxineVVaters." . . .   Also here.

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