Sunday, January 13, 2019

Lift Up Your Hearts: The Democrats Are in a Shambles

"America is truly blessed in unsuspected ways. Sleep soundly, Mr. President."
Conrad Black  "It is time to rekindle our political spirits in this new year, and to take stock of the subjects of encouragement.

"First, the takeover of the House of Representatives by the Democrats was, on balance, not as jarring to the vital organs as was feared. As a figure of horror, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has become almost like Bette Davis, one can believe she just acts the part, though she acts it convincingly. And she has earned her spurs as a Democratic legislator with staying power, the first speaker to serve non-consecutive terms since Sam Rayburn (D-Texas). She certainly didn’t get much back-talk from all those bushy-tailed Democrats who were going to send her off to knit antimacassars for her grandchildren. She does not, however, appear to be an effective spokesperson as leader of the opposition, and is strangely inarticulate for someone who must have spent more time in public speaking for the last 40 years than almost anyone in the country.

"A second source of happiness, despite the Democrats’ window-rattling ululations of joy, is that they have no mandate to do anything, and they have taken the bait the president dangled to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Pelosi at the White House three weeks ago. The Democratic leadership seems to think they can convince the country that the well-being of 800,000 federal employees, which could be ameliorated without capitulating on the spending bill, is more important than dealing with the protracted shambles in immigration, which most Americans acknowledge to be the country’s greatest problem.

"Third, the official debut of Schumer and Pelosi as leaders of the opposition where one of them is actually at the head of part of a branch of government, following the president’s address from the Oval Office on Monday, was a hilarious fiasco. They made an American Gothic apparition with forked tongues rather than a pitchfork and looked like an off-duty pantomime horse doing straight-up. They aren’t making it. They failed to convince anyone that a few weeks of furlough for government employees is more worrisome than the unarmed invasion of the United States by millions of unskilled foreigners.
"Fourth, Speaker Pelosi is shutting down her caucus-members who were calling for impeachment of the president, the surest sign that the whole idea is made of straw and hot air." . . . Full article.

Proof that most leftist critics of Israel don’t give a damn about Palestinians, they just hate Jews

Thomas Lifson  "One of the best and most conclusive tests of antisemitism among Israel’s many critics is whether or not they apply the same standards to others that they apply to the Jewish homeland. Virtually every time Israel responds to violence launched from Palestinian enclaves, we read and see stories damning it as “not proportional” or “callous” or ‘racist.”
"But what about when Palestinians are responded to by other nations?
"Writing in The Forward last year, Elizabeth Tusrkov published a very enlightening, and pretty conclusive examination of this question:
. . .
And yet, despite these horrors, no significant protests took place anywhere in the West or Arab world. The traditional champions of the Palestinian cause — those same people who have protested Israeli attacks on Gaza — have remained silent as the Palestinian Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus in Syria was shelled by Russian and Syrian air forces, while militias loyal to the Assad regime enforced a brutal siege.

"If there was a chorus of condemnation of these attacks, and lionization of the Palestinians as anti-imperialists, it must have escaped my attention."

Exasperated Democrats try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez


The effort is part carrot, part stick. But it's far from clear the anti-establishment political novice can be made to play ball.
Govern; maybe not so much.
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already making enemies in the House Democratic Caucus — and some of its members are mounting an operation to bring the anti-establishment, democratic socialist with 2.2 million Twitter followers into the fold.
"The effort, described by nearly 20 lawmakers and aides, is part carrot, part stick: Some lawmakers with ties to Ocasio-Cortez are hoping to coax her into using her star power to unite Democrats and turn her fire on Republicans. Others simultaneously warn Ocasio-Cortez is destined for a lonely, ineffectual career in Congress if she continues to treat her own party as the enemy.
Story Continued Below
"Incumbent Democrats are most annoyed by Ocasio-Cortez’s threat to back primary opponents against members of their ranks she deems too moderate. But their frustration goes beyond that: Democratic leaders are upset that she railed against their new set of House rules on Twitter the first week of the new Congress. Rank and file are peeved that there’s a grassroots movement to try to win her a top committee post they feel she doesn’t deserve." . . .

h/t to Nikki Lund

Donald Trump to Jim Acosta: ‘Good Job! I Appreciate the Sales Pitch’

I worry that this newest kerfuffle can affect the Trump-Acosta relationship in a negative way.


“ 'Good job yesterday,” Trump said to Acosta after spotting him at the White House. “I appreciate your sales pitch.”
"Acosta filmed a video of a “steel slat” barrier on the Southern border, noting that there was no crisis there, which prompted wide-spread mockery on Twitter from Trump supporters." . . .

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The compassionate left in one photo

WATCH: CNN Contributor Anna Navarro Files Her Nails During Panel While Discussing Atrocities Due to Illegal Immigration  As Cortes was trying to describe the crimes and crime rate due to illegal immigrants and cited reports that conflict with the left’s narrative that the illegal alien crime rates aren’t anything to be worried about. While Cuomo flatly denied that any such reports exist — they do — Navarro made a show of sighing loudly, then pulled out her nail fail and began to attend to her nails for a moment.
“It’s fake news for you to inject BS and say that it’s equal to the real data,” Cuomo said of Cortes’s point.. . .. . . "After Navarro began doing her nails, Cortes took a shot at her disrespectful gesture.
“You can do your nails,” Cortes told Navarro. “You know who can’t do their nails are people who have been killed, Ana, by dangerous known illegal aliens who have been allowed to stay in this country because of the leftist policies that people like you promote in so-called sanctuary cities.”

"Navarro then complained that she was tired of being labeled a leftist, but Cortes didn’t care.
“ 'I don’t care if you’re tired of it. Go back to filing your nails,” Cortes said." . . .

CNN contributor at left
Gross: Ana Navarro Sighs, Files Her Nails During Discussion of Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants  . . . " 'You can do your nails," he fumed.  "You know who can't do their nails?  People who have been killed, Ana, by dangerous, known illegal aliens who've been allowed to stay in this country because of the leftist policies that people like you promote in so-called sanctuary cities."  Navarro dismissively waved her hand at the camera . . ."

The Ironies of Illegal Immigration

Victor Davis Hanson
Mexico does not explain why its citizens wish to leave their birth country — or why they are eager to enter a country ridiculed by the Mexican press and government.

. . . "Estimates suggest that there are eleven million to 13 million Mexican citizens currently living in the United States illegally. Millions more emigrated previously and are now U.S. citizens.
"A recent poll revealed that one-third of Mexicans (34 percent) would like to emigrate to the United States. With Mexico having a population of about 130 million, that amounts to some 44 million would-be immigrants.
First, Mexico is a naturally rich country. It ranks 19th in the world in proven oil reserves and is currently the twelfth-largest oil producer. Mexico certainly has significantly more natural advantages than do far wealthier per capita Singapore, Taiwan, or Chile.
Mexico also is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations and earns billions in foreign exchange from visitors. It enjoys a temperate climate, is rich in minerals, and has millions of acres of fertile farmland and a long coastline." . . .
. . .
"Mexico — unlike, say, Japan or Switzerland, which are far less naturally endowed and yet far wealthier — has never fully adopted Western paradigms of free-market economics, constitutionally protected free speech, due process, gender equity, private property rights, an autonomous press, government transparency, an independent judiciary, and religious diversity and tolerance.

Justice Ginsburg “Not Even In DC” As Grave Health Rumors Swirl

DC Whispers  "Via comments from Dr. Sebastian Gorka last night, (as well as repeated whispers from the Supreme Court press pool) rumors are swirling that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was relocated to New York City and preparing to vacate her position due to illness. While some claim she continues to receive treatment and/or recover from her recent cancer diagnosis, others suggest she is in fact receiving hospice care in New York City and hasn’t been in Washington D.C. for several days. The truth perhaps can be found somewhere in the middle of both those extremes but what is undeniable is that should Ginsburg step down the battle to fill that vacancy on the Court will likely be as contentious and hard-fought as anything we’ve yet seen.
"UPDATE: Some media push back against reports like those from Dr. Gorka indicate Justice Ginsburg is “recovering” from her cancer treatment and plans to rejoin the Court some time next month. Again, the truth likely is to be found somewhere in the middle of both extremes."  Read more.

Please Enjoy This Video Of Jim Acosta Owning Himself At The Border Wall

The Federalist  "It’s starting to seem as though Jim Acosta is biased. His latest video report must truly be seen to be believed."
. . .
"Of course, Acosta thought he was undermining Trump’s “national emergency” narrative by depicting a relatively peaceful scene along a section of steel slats in McAllen, Texas on Thursday. Were he not so blinded by his own bias and thirst for retweets, Acosta may have realized the “tranquil[ity]” he encountered actually kind of makes Trump’s point about the wall. But that’s asking a little too much."
. . .

Josh Holmes

Not About the Wall: Democrats are Rejecting a Long List of Other Border Security Measures to Spite Trump

Katie Pavlich  . . . "Last week, Office of Budget and Management Acting Director Russell Vought sent a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee outlining requirements for an adequate funding bill. 

"Appropriations bills for fiscal year (FY) 2019 that have already been considered by the current and previous Congress are inadequate to fully address these critical issues. Any agreement for the current year should satisfy the following priorities," the letter states. "The President requests at least $563 million for 75 additional Immigration Judges and support staff to reduce the backlog of pending immigration cases." 

"The current backlog for asylum claims made at the border is 800,000 cases. According to the Department of Homeland Security, asylum claims have increased by 2000 percent over the past five years and approximately 90 percent of them are thrown out in court. President Trump has also requested additional funding for 750 new Border Patrol Agents and $571 million for 2,000 additional Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agents to help "address gang violence, smuggling and trafficking, and the spread of drugs in our communities."

"Meanwhile, President Trump is specifically providing more resources on requests Democrats have been making. They are the following:  .  .  .
"Significantly, the President is requesting nearly as much funding for ICE detention beds as he is for a border barrier." . . .  (Emphasis mine, TD)

What a Socialist Really Wants

Socialism and communism are often presented as scientifically derived theories about economics and politics.  That's the pretentious academic surface.  In day-to-day practical terms, however, our left-wing visionaries try to answer this question: who should run the world?  Inevitable answer: They should.
 Bruce Deitrick Price    "What exactly is a socialist?  You could spend all day studying encyclopedias and not settle anything.  Using various definitions, you could probably prove that anybody is or isn't a socialist.
"So let's talk to a socialist.  Ignore the verbiage and look inside his head.  When someone announces to the world, "I'm a socialist," what is that person thinking?
"With this focus, everything becomes simpler.  Socialists may not be able to claim experience, learning, smarts, or success.  But they make up for all that by a boundless certitude about philosophical and political matters.  It's as if they, albeit atheists, are guided by a divine vision.
"What is the central assertion contained in that vision?  Here, I believe, is what the self-proclaimed socialist is saying to the rest of us:
" 'You pathetic losers are clearly not qualified to run your own lives.  Or if you think you are, you're probably in the grip of dangerous beliefs that need to be discarded.  All in all, it would be better if you stayed out of the way and let experts manage your life.  That would be I and my cronies."
"That's it.  "I'm a socialist" means "From now on, I'll be in charge, fortunately.  You can take a hike."
"What was the essence of Hillary Clinton's campaign?  She seemed to think she had a right to take charge and order everyone else around.  Saul Alinsky, her mentor, felt the same way.  I suspect that Obama agreed with both of them."

ABC News throws Bill Clinton under the bus; "Why now?" indeed

James Mullin  "This Thursday (January 10th) in primetime the unthinkable happened: ABC ran a two-hour special describing what a screw-up, perv, and narcissist William Jefferson Clinton was.  A parade of ABC reporters/news folks chimed in, clucking how awful he really was at heart.  But isn’t this the network of George Stephanopoulos (the unbiased news anchor), Martha Raddatz (crying on live TV at the loss of Hillary Clinton in 2016), and Chris (the lesser) Cuomo?  How can this be?  Has the North Pole shifted?  Has the sun darkened? It was truly hilarious to watch the parade of objective ABC notables solemnly intoning what a reprobate Bill was throughout the Lewinsky fiasco.  It raises the question as to where were they in the 1990s when he was apparently molesting and raping his way from Arkansas north to D.C., and jeopardizing U.S. national security along the way (blackmail anyone?)? But it raises the yet even more tantalizing question of what has changed?  Why now?

"Despite the left’s inevitable ability to shoot itself in the foot (hats off to Mr. Maduro and the Chuck and Nancy American Gothic tableau), I’m still of the belief that there is some semi-intelligent if not beneficent being(s) (Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Kim Jong IL, Pee Wee Herman) that hold the strings behind the political/educational/media/cultural shift that has been ongoing in the U.S. and the West at large since the 1930s.  Take a few steps back and it’s hard to miss it.  If that’s the case, then someone(s) have decided that the Clintons are (finally) out.  But who is in?  Clearly a sea change is coming.  Last night did everything but to announce it with trumpets.  The question is, why and why now? "   Watch the full episode here

More here. Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Friday, January 11, 2019

Can a Wall Pay for Itself?: An Update

Center for Immigration Studies "When asking whether a border wall can pay for itself, the key questions are the cost of each illegal immigrant, and the number of illegal crossers, vs. the cost of a wall. Making reasonable estimates of these factors allows us to calculate what share of future illegal border-crossers the wall would have to stop or deter from trying to enter in order for the wall to be cost-effective. This updated analysis indicates that to pay for the president's $5 billion wall request, a wall would have to prevent about 60,000 crossings — or 3 to 4 percent of expected illegal crossers in the next decade. If we make much more conservative assumptions about both the cost of illegal immigrants and future flows, it still shows that a wall would have to stop or deter only a modest percentage of illegal crossings to pay for itself.


  • In a prior analysis we took the likely education level of illegal border-crossers and applied fiscal estimates developed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) for immigrants by education level — excluding their children. These estimates indicated an average lifetime net fiscal cost of $74,722 per illegal crosser — $82,191 in 2018 dollars.
  • Analysis by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) indicates that there are 1.95 to 2.28 apprehensions for every successful illegal crossing. This translates to about 170,000 to 200,000 successful illegal crossings in 2018, or 1.7 million to two million over the next 10 years, assuming this level continues.
  • The House passed a funding bill before Christmas with $5 billion for the wall, which means the wall would have to stop or deter 3 to 4 percent (60,000) of the future illegal crossers over the next decade to pay for itself.
  • If we make conservative alternative assumptions that illegal crossers cost half what we estimate, and we further assume the future flows will be only half the 2018 level, then the wall would have to stop or deter 12 to 14 percent of expected illegal border-crossers in the next decade.