Saturday, January 12, 2019

ABC News throws Bill Clinton under the bus; "Why now?" indeed

James Mullin  "This Thursday (January 10th) in primetime the unthinkable happened: ABC ran a two-hour special describing what a screw-up, perv, and narcissist William Jefferson Clinton was.  A parade of ABC reporters/news folks chimed in, clucking how awful he really was at heart.  But isn’t this the network of George Stephanopoulos (the unbiased news anchor), Martha Raddatz (crying on live TV at the loss of Hillary Clinton in 2016), and Chris (the lesser) Cuomo?  How can this be?  Has the North Pole shifted?  Has the sun darkened? It was truly hilarious to watch the parade of objective ABC notables solemnly intoning what a reprobate Bill was throughout the Lewinsky fiasco.  It raises the question as to where were they in the 1990s when he was apparently molesting and raping his way from Arkansas north to D.C., and jeopardizing U.S. national security along the way (blackmail anyone?)? But it raises the yet even more tantalizing question of what has changed?  Why now?

"Despite the left’s inevitable ability to shoot itself in the foot (hats off to Mr. Maduro and the Chuck and Nancy American Gothic tableau), I’m still of the belief that there is some semi-intelligent if not beneficent being(s) (Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Kim Jong IL, Pee Wee Herman) that hold the strings behind the political/educational/media/cultural shift that has been ongoing in the U.S. and the West at large since the 1930s.  Take a few steps back and it’s hard to miss it.  If that’s the case, then someone(s) have decided that the Clintons are (finally) out.  But who is in?  Clearly a sea change is coming.  Last night did everything but to announce it with trumpets.  The question is, why and why now? "   Watch the full episode here

More here. Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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