Saturday, October 26, 2019

New York then and now: Astonishing black and white photos from the early 20th Century show NYC neighborhoods with empty streets and vacant plots of land

UK Daily Mail   "A collection of 17,000 black and white photographs stored in the New York Public Library's digital archives offer an illuminating look at how the city appeared almost a century ago.  
"The images were captured by renowned photographer Percy Loomis Sperr, who was contracted by the Library to document the physical appearance of the five boroughs between the late 1920s and the early 1940s. 
"Many of the old photographs highlight how much New York streetscapes have been transformed in the intervening years, with entire areas completely altered by mass development.  
"Queens, in particular, looks strikingly different today than it does in Sperr's snaps, with the borough undergoing a population boom and a building blitz beginning in the 1930s. 
"However, other photos taken by Sperr show that the city still looks strikingly similar in certain areas - something that may come as a surprise to people who associate New York with unending construction and constant aesthetic transformations. 
"While Manhattan's SoHo, West Village and Hell's Kitchen neighborhoods may have been gentrified, many of the their buildings remain in place, proving that the bones of New York City were laid long before the beginning of the 20th Century. " . . .  

Romney's admirer Pierre Delecto

Oleg Atbashian of The People's Cube and American Thinker
It is difficult to believe that Mitt beat Newt Gingrich in the 2012 primaries, and we got stuck with him and Paul Ryan.  . . . "The good news for non-quisling Republicans is that this should end the career of Pierre/Mitt to be the next John McCain as the go-to-guy whenever the Democrats and the media need a "Republican" to attack President Trump and conservatives.  Pierre/Mitt is now a joke, a buffoon.  The Dems and media may use Mitt, but nobody has any respect for him.  Who now cares what Mitt or Pierre says?" . . .

Babylon Bee sees great satire in Romney's secret I.D. :
Mitt Romney Reveals He's Been Running The Wendy's Twitter Account All Along
"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Mitt Romney has revealed that he's been running a second Twitter account for years: the official Wendy's account.
" 'Wendy's was looking for someone to own Burger King and IHOP on Twitter, and I figured I could use the extra work," he said. "It's just a nice way for me to check in on things, dunk on Taco Bell, maybe follow some people, you know." Romney would use his official account to promote his political views and then switch over to the Wendy's account in order to wind down a bit.
" 'It's been a lot of fun, but now the jig is up."
"Followers of the Wendy's account began to grow suspicious when the fast-food company started tweeting about Trump quite a bit more and retweeted several tweets by the official LDS church account.
"At publishing time, Trump had confirmed he is the mastermind behind the McDonald's Twitter account."

Democrats Are Embarrassed By Schiff’s Impeachment Tactics, And They Should Be

Indeed, my survey of articles from left-leaning writers revealed no defense of the Schiff process. Nobody, and I mean nobody, seems willing to argue in favor of Schiff’s nakedly political process. The best the authors can muster is a half-hearted mumbling about fairness not being required.

The Federalist

The sneaky, one-sided Schiff procedures conspicuously advertise this project for what it is: just another naked power play to get Trump.

"Criticisms of Rep. Adam Schiff’s impeachment tactics have begun to bite. Fair-minded people have begun to ask why is it necessary to have secret witnesses, secret hearings, and leaks of distorted, out-of-context excerpts from transcripts,
"Why is it necessary to block the president from sending representatives to attend these hearings so he can have equal access to any evidence?  Why was it necessary for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff to “parody” the transcript of the president’s call to the Ukrainian president? Aren’t parodies supposed to be funny? Shouldn’t the chairman be proceeding with sober deliberation and fairness instead of romping about with gleeful shtick?  
"If Schiff cannot take the proceedings seriously, what of the 218 representatives who voted against the resolution condemning Schiff? The resolution failed despite the undisputed truth of the allegations. Schiff did manufacture “a false retelling of the conversation between President Trump and President Zelensky.” Schiff did tell the American people, “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” when his staff actually coached the “whistleblower” before he or she approached the inspector general.
"And why are Democrats shutting out Republicans from the process? . . .

"They, Who The Hell is They?"

Canada Free Press

"The question, “They, Who The Hell is They?” was asked in the 1969 classic movie, “The Wild Bunch.” A question that cut to the chase regarding who was behind the group’s ambush in the opening scene of the epic movie but also raises the same concerns as to who is behind today’s ruthless politics, historic C.I.A. and Justice Department corruption, and media misinformation. Indeed, today, we need to ask the same question, “They, Who The Hell is They?”

"The American political system is beyond broken. It is a heap of ignored subpoenas; destroyed evidence all rolled up in a massive ball of lies and scandals. No party is innocent when it comes to dirty tactics, and not all members within a dishonest party are equally accountable for the damaging deeds of the group. But if we are ever to approach the truth as to who or what is behind the current escalation in the erosion of our Constitution and the assault on the dignity of the Republic, then we must be painfully honest. Many Americans single out and identify Obama’s administration as the most corrupt Presidency in all of American history. Obama’s real legacy is the arrogance and insolence shown by the members of the Democrat Party who are responsible for much of the lawlessness taking place today."  . . .
"Turning the Bible on its head, Obama is like the Left’s version of the New Testament’s John The Baptist. Obama was put in office to pave the way for future unbridled destruction of the Constitution. The weakness and corruption within the Republican Party allowed Obama to take a wrecking ball to the American system of government.

"It is true that the Obama administration was significantly more corrupt than any other because of two disturbing facts. Not because of its high number of scandals or the gravity of those scandals but because the corruption was spread throughout the entire government and because Obama’s administration received unprecedented cover and protection by the fake media. The once trusted institutions, such as the I.R.S. were severely compromised, conducting the illegal withholding of tax-exempt status from those with a different point of view.  . . ."

Clapping replaced by 'silent jazz hands' to boost 'inclusivity' and reduce 'anxiety,' University of Oxford student council votes

As Piers Morgan asks, saying it "excludes blind people". He also said it was "racist" , but isn't everything?

The Blaze "The student council at elite University of Oxford in the United Kingdom passed a motion Tuesday to mandate the use of "silent jazz hands" instead of traditional clapping at council meetings in order to boost "inclusivity" and reduce "anxiety."

" 'Silent jazz hands is known as British Sign Language clapping, according to the Oxford Student newspaper. Those using the sign hold their hands up and swivel them from side to side.
"The National Union of Students uses BSL clapping since loud noises — including whooping and traditional applause — may cause access issues for some disabled students with anxiety disorders, sensory sensitivity, and hearing aids, the paper said.  
'More accessible and inclusive for all'
" 'The policy was proposed in order to encourage the use of British Sign Language clapping during our democratic events to make those events more accessible and inclusive for all, including people who suffer from anxiety," Roisin McCallion — one of two students to present the motion to council — told the Daily Mail. "Inclusivity is one of the Students' Union's founding principles."
. . . 
 Lloyd MarcusYoung Adults Fed Up with SJW and LGBTQ Tyranny
. . . "Young adults are fed up with SJW movies and TV shows and LGBTQ tyranny. " . . . Sounds good until you meet and try to converse with your kid who just came home from college.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Geraldo Rivera on The Five claims Democratic senators reject possible Clinton comeback

Fox News; The Five Video
MSN repeats this story
And Yahoo, carrying the Fox story

As yet no other internet search has born this out. TD

If true, this should be carried elsewhere shortly.

The "rabid hyenas" are after anyone in the Trump Administration

Image by Timothy Bishop
Who Will Fall First: Trump or the ‘Praetorian Guard’?  . . . "As Barr gets closer to the key people involved in concocting the phony Trump-Russia collusion hoax—which included the use of powerful surveillance tools and government informants—House Democrats are escalating efforts in their attempt to impeach Trump before Barr’s department starts issuing indictments. If Trump goes down before Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham, his point man on the investigation, can complete their work, that investigation could be completely discredited if not halted altogether as the by-product of an illegitimate presidency.
"The clock is ticking, fast. Two dependable sources of Trump-Russia collusion propaganda—the New York Times and NBC News—nervously reported this week that Barr’s inquiry has expanded, although neither outlet has the foggiest idea why. " . . .

Trump May Be After Obama, Biden, Clinton, Brennan — ‘Ultimate Distraction to Steal an Election’
“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” [Barr] told the Senate Appropriations Committee, before adding, “I am not suggesting that those rules were violated, but I think it’s important to look at them.”
Rep. Gaetz: ‘We’re Fighting Against an Angry Pack of Rabid Hyenas’ to Expose Schiff’s Kangaroo Court

Bette Midler tweets praise for neighbor who attacked Rand Paul, senator’s wife responds. Language.

BPR  "Actress and recording artist Bette Midler has made it a habit of late to take to social media and spew hatred toward President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
"In her derangement, Midler took things to a whole new level of repulsiveness when she tweeted appreciation to the neighbor of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who “beat the sh*t” out of him.
"The cowardly entertainer would later delete the tweet.
“ 'I DO NOT promote violence but… Rand Paul says the Kurds are being ‘ingrates’ for taking their frustrations out on US troops. Which is a good reminder for us all to be more grateful for the neighbor who beat the sh*t out of Rand Paul,” Midler tweeted."

. . . "Sen. Paul’s wife, Kelley Paul, felt compelled to respond to the despicable tweet from Midler.
“ 'No matter how much I disliked someone’s politics, I would never celebrate their serious injury. A low bar, but [Bette Midler] is below it,” she tweeted."
. . . The president responded to Midler’s unhinged behavior by calling her a “washed-up psycho.” This coming after she falsely attributed a quote to him saying Republicans are “the dumbest group of voters in the country.” . . .
More posts at the Tunnel Wall

Tulsi Gabbard not running for re-election to House of Representatives

Tulsi Takes Republicans' Side After Being Sidelined in Impeachment Inquiry  . . . "As entertaining as her thoughts on Hillary were, Hannity also wanted to know what Gabbard thought of the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry in Congress. Republicans have complained of late that Adam Schiff has been blocking them from closed door testimonies, even members of the Judiciary Committee, which launched the inquiry. Although she supports the inquiry, it sounded like Gabbard took the GOP's side in criticizing how the Democrats are handling it." . . .

This writer speculates on Gabbard-Clinton, but as yet no reasons why Clinton might be bringing this about; only Gabbard's low support percentage. TD

Thomas Lifson "Bad things tend to happen to people who find themselves on Hillary Clinton’s enemies list.  Just days after being attacked by Hillary Clinton for being a favorite of the Russians and for allegedly being “groomed” (by Republicans, her spokesman later claimed she meant) to run as a third-party candidate, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced late last night that she will not seek re-election to the House of Representatives, where she has served since winning election there in 2012.
"It is an odd coincidence that becoming an official enemy of Hillary Clinton preceded this surprise announcement that offered no new reason for the decision announced on Twitter beyond her desire to serve as president."
Her announcement:

. . . "With Hillary Clinton’s reputation for hardball tactics against her enemies, I have to wonder if any pressure was applied to Gabbard?
"Here is the interview with Hannity in which she gave her boilerplate rhetoric but refused to condemn Hunter Biden."

Hillary Clinton Adviser Says She Has Not Ruled Out 2020 Run
“If she thought she had the best odds of beating Donald Trump I think she would think about it long and hard,” Reines told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
Sweet revenge: President Trump's suicide would be best for her, but this will do, I suppose.

Alleged Sexual Misconduct by CNN Exec and Possible Cover-Up by Senior Management

Caught on the street, Jack Tapper's interview by O'Keefe went almost nowhere.

O'Keefe isn't above a bit of ambush journalism: James O'Keefe CONFRONTS Jake Tapper over #MeTooCNN video. O'Keefe wrote:
Since CNN has chosen to ignore this serious charge, I tried to get comment from Tapper today at a private CNN event called ‘Conversations That Matter’ happening at 6 St Johns Lane, New York, NY, 10013.  . . .

AOC Probes Zuckerberg "In Smug and Embarrassing Fashion"

Karen Ashley at COTR  "Just when there may be a solid chance for AOC to say something even minimally intelligent about the Facebook nonsense (something we all agree has become increasingly ridiculous) she turns it to grounds for discussing Zuckerberg having alt-right dinner parties to spread white supremacy…
. . . 
Added by TD
“Ocasio-Cortez claimed that The Daily Caller “has ties to white supremacists,” a claim that drew quick response from the leadership at The Daily Caller.”“Those accusations are rich coming from the leader of the most openly anti-Semitic freshman Congress in modern American history,” Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll told The Daily Wire. “Ocasio-Cortez herself employed a staffer who lionized Nazis collaborators. Maybe she should spend more time cleaning her room and making her bed before she goes to work.”
"Do I believe that Zuckerberg should have a better handle on ensuring people are not censored on his platform unless the language incites violence? Absolutely.\
"Should Zuckerberg have a better standard for content verification and fact-checking without minimizing rights to free speech? Sure.
"However, reading the comments on Twitter, people literally believe that AOC completely owned Zuckerberg. I’m baffled."
"In your ongoing dinner parties with far right figures" is an absolute hammer line to drop in casually like that. What a total boss she is. 
— Lou Rovegno (@LouRovegno) October 23, 2019
. . . 
 “The most cringeworthy portion of the hearing belonged to Ocasio-Cortez, whose arrogance and desire for censoring her opponents was on full display.
Ocasio-Cortez suggested that she wanted to take advantage of the fact that Facebook tries to not censor political speech from politicians by intentionally lying in her campaign ads, specifically wanting to falsely claim that Republicans supported her $93 trillion Green New Deal.” . . .
The People's cube

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hillary Clinton Accidentally Posts Condolences For Tulsi Gabbard's Suicide One Day Early

Parody, yet trusted and respected just like CNN. TD
Babylon Bee

"U.S.—Oops! A social media scheduling error apparently caused Hillary Clinton to post her condolences for Tulsi Gabbard's suicide one day early.
"This morning, Clinton posted that she felt "great sadness" at hearing that Gabbard had killed herself. In subsequent tweets, she detailed how "tragic" it was that Gabbard had broken her own kneecaps, stuck her feet in concrete, then tossed herself off the docks near a seedy warehouse.
" 'It's just terrible what happened, and though we disagreed, I hope we can all take a few minutes to send thoughts and prayers to the family," Clinton concluded.
"The post was deleted several hours later after the Clinton team realized it was scheduled for October 23, not October 24 as originally intended.
"At publishing time, Clinton had accidentally posted early condolences for the unfortunate suicide of the social media manager who had OK'd the post and subsequently posted more condolences for the new social media manager, etc."