Friday, October 25, 2019

AOC Probes Zuckerberg "In Smug and Embarrassing Fashion"

Karen Ashley at COTR  "Just when there may be a solid chance for AOC to say something even minimally intelligent about the Facebook nonsense (something we all agree has become increasingly ridiculous) she turns it to grounds for discussing Zuckerberg having alt-right dinner parties to spread white supremacy…
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Added by TD
“Ocasio-Cortez claimed that The Daily Caller “has ties to white supremacists,” a claim that drew quick response from the leadership at The Daily Caller.”“Those accusations are rich coming from the leader of the most openly anti-Semitic freshman Congress in modern American history,” Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll told The Daily Wire. “Ocasio-Cortez herself employed a staffer who lionized Nazis collaborators. Maybe she should spend more time cleaning her room and making her bed before she goes to work.”
"Do I believe that Zuckerberg should have a better handle on ensuring people are not censored on his platform unless the language incites violence? Absolutely.\
"Should Zuckerberg have a better standard for content verification and fact-checking without minimizing rights to free speech? Sure.
"However, reading the comments on Twitter, people literally believe that AOC completely owned Zuckerberg. I’m baffled."
"In your ongoing dinner parties with far right figures" is an absolute hammer line to drop in casually like that. What a total boss she is. 
— Lou Rovegno (@LouRovegno) October 23, 2019
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 “The most cringeworthy portion of the hearing belonged to Ocasio-Cortez, whose arrogance and desire for censoring her opponents was on full display.
Ocasio-Cortez suggested that she wanted to take advantage of the fact that Facebook tries to not censor political speech from politicians by intentionally lying in her campaign ads, specifically wanting to falsely claim that Republicans supported her $93 trillion Green New Deal.” . . .
The People's cube

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