Friday, May 29, 2020

"We're all in this together, are we? Not at all. Some are more "in this" than others. Let my people go!"

Colin Kaepernick, then that purple-haired women's soccer player, CNN, MSNBC and virtually any Hollywood personality you care to name has pretty much driven out any desire to post "United We Stand" anywhere. Sort of like; I can't find a house having both a police memorial flag and a "Beto" sign. TD

By Karen Larson  "Lawn signs sprouting in my suburban neighborhood state: "Graduating Class of 2020 — #AllInThisTogether."  Our seniors chose that message, no doubt, because it's in use everywhere.  But one more pronouncement of our so-called "togetherness" may make me scream.  Across the country, some are more "in this" than others.  It's all a matter of being essential.  Or not.  Or caught at a particularly good (or not so good) stage of your life or career.  How do you prepare for the unexpected?
"My dentist is non-essential.  It's impossible to offer virtual dental services.  Too bad for those who have gone without dental care for more than two months now.  My dentist owns and operates a small business.  I wonder how long can he continue to pay the rent without any income.  Yet government workers and members of our news media are essential.  Who makes these decisions: essential and non-essential?  Using what criteria?  I'm happy for those deemed essential and those who can work virtually.  I'm delighted that a few stores continue to be open.  However, that left a huge swath of the population wondering where the next paycheck will come from.
"My hairdresser has been allowed (allowed!) to re-open her home-based business starting next week so long as she operates at 25% capacity of her former load.  Too bad for the many customers who have waited for months for the regular services she performs for them such as perms and colorizations and cuts.  . . .
Karen Larson is mad as hell and isn't going to take it anymore.  She has been at the bottom of several companies and at the top of one.  She has been a wordsmith and the one who wields the red pen.  She is a parent with grandchildren biological and otherwise.  Now retired, she enjoys sailing on Lake Superior with her husband, Jerry, among her many hobbies.

Joe Biden Veepstakes Take Bad Turn as Scandals Hit Amy Klobuchar, Gretchen Whitmer

The old "botched joke" alibi again.
Rich Terrell
Breitbart   "Two women reportedly on Joe Biden’s shortlist for vice president have been hit with major scandals that could cripple their chances of being nominated.
"On Thursday, Minnesota-based Mint Press News reported that U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) was the district attorney at the time Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin shot and killed Wayne Reyes in 2006.
"According to Mint Press News, between 1999 and 2007, Klobuchar “did not bring charges against more than two dozen officers who had killed citizens while on duty – including against Chauvin himself.”
Chauvin was involved in a fatal accident in 2005, killed Wayne Reyes in 2006, shot another man while in uniform in 2008, and had a litany of complaints against him. To be fair to Klobuchar, the Reyes shooting happened in October 2006, as her time as state prosecutor was coming to an end and she was campaigning for the senate. By the time Chauvin’s case finally made it to a grand jury, she had relinquished her role.
"The site reported Klobuchar “declined” to bring charges against the officer who was filmed putting his knee on the neck of George Floyd on Monday, allegedly causing his death.
"The news site claimed Minneapolis had a “history of racist policing, thanks to Klobuchar.”
"Meanwhile, in Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has suffered a series of scandals, most recently her husband’s attempt to use his wife’s stature to get his boat in the water before other residents.
"Whitmer at first denied the story, then claimed it was a “failed attempt at humor” on her husband’s part, before demanding an apology from Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey after he said she “lied” about the situation." . . .
. . . “My husband made a failed attempt at humor last week when checking with the small business that helps with our boat and dock up north,” Whitmer said.“Knowing it wouldn’t make a difference, he jokingly asked if being married to me might move him up in the queue,” she said." . . .

Explaining to Rush Limbaugh the purpose of Joe Biden; "He's Xi's Guy."

Don Surber
Apple was only one of many, many companies that handcuffed themselves to the slave labor of Red China. And our country in turn is handcuffed as well.

"On Thursday, Rush Limbaugh asked, "What’s Biden’s Purpose?"
"It's a good question that I can answer in three little words.
"But first, let us examine what Limbaugh said, "You know, I intellectually understand it, and — to a certain extent — I politically understand it. But Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee — and then I have a story in the Stack where Silicon Valley tech gazillionaires are all-in on Biden. Joe Biden hasn’t even mastered the rotary phone yet, much less learned how to use an iPhone and yet tech wizards are all in on this guy."

"That is Clue No. 1. The Silicon Valley tech gazillionaires are all-in on Biden.
"I love the rotary phone line, by the way. Biden is Elmer B. Fudd-led.
"Clue No. 2 is Limbaugh's brilliant summation of the situation, "The purpose of Plugs Biden is to empower people who we really don’t know who will be running the country. He’s just gonna be a placeholder. He’s almost acknowledged as much.' "

Pictures circulating online are not of Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin

What you need to know   "Several photos featuring a man that appeared to look like officer Derek Chauvin have been shared online and throughout social media on Wednesday. The men featured in the images, however, are not Chauvin, multiple news reporters confirmed.
Photo via @WFTV
Chenue Her@ChenueHer·
The pictures circulating online showing a man in a “Make Whites Great Again” hat and another man at a Trump rally are NOT former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, even though many are saying it’s him. Facts matter. Via @bringmethenews

But Chauvin wasn’t featured in this photo either
"Police officer involved in death of #GeorgeFloyd not on stage at Minneapolis Trump rally last year, despite social media rumors."

Academic Freedom Win: Israel Boycott Supporter Ilana Feldman Will Not Be Dean at George Washington U

William A. Jacobson

You can have academic freedom, or you can have a pro-BDS Dean, but you can’t have both.

"Ilana Feldman, a professor of anthropology at George Washington University (GWU), recently was appointed Interim Dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs at GWU.
There was an immediate firestorm of controversy, since Feldman is a supporter of and longtime activist leader of the academic boycott of Israel, which is part of the larger Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.
"As we have documented, BDS was launched at the openly anti-Semitic Tehran and Durban Conferences in 2001, a repackaging of the Jewish Boycotts of the 1920s and 1930s, and the Arab League Boycott of Israel. BDS was a rebranding meant to appeal to western liberals, framed in the language of social justice. Part of that repackaging was to claim BDS started in 2005 as a call from Palestinian civil society. BDS supporters in the West mosly are ignorant of the history of BDS.

Feldman Will Not Be Considered For Permanent Dean 

"Feldman’s pro-BDS background, which involves a commitment not to treat Israelis (and by implication, supporters of Israel) fairly, went against the requirements needed for the senior administrative post of Interim Dean or permanent Dean.

"GWU acknowledged the criticism, and issued a statement  reiterating its rejection of BDS:
May 18, 2020We have listened and heard the concerns from some members of our community about the appointment of Dr. Ilana Feldman as interim Dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs and personal views she has expressed about the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.
 More...     All emphases in the original. TD

Jim Acosta Goes After Kayleigh McEnany on Trump "Lies", Backfires in His Face

The Federalist Papers  "In one of the best clips of the day chief CNN clown Jim Acosta tried to go after White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and got eaten alive.
"He asked if it was right that the President got fact checked given how many “false and misleading statements” the President has made.
"McEnany hit back hard saying “look, if you’re going to get into the fact-checking business, there is no one that should be fact-checked more than the mainstream media that has been continually wrong about a number of things.”
"It all went downhill for Jim Acosta after that.
"Take a look, via The Hill:

‘If Anybody Needs To Be Fact-Checked, It’s The Media’: Kayleigh McEnany Unloads On Jim Acosta . . . “So if anyone needs to be fact-checked, I think it should be the media,” she concluded.
“ 'News outlets make mistakes from time to time. We own up to those mistakes. We correct those mistakes,” Acosta protested.
“ 'Not always,” McEnany replied."
Biden Has Earned 11 Pinocchios From Fact-Checkers During Coronavirus Crisis

CORONAVIRUS Coronavirus checks, direct deposits are coming. Here's everything you need to know.

Who qualifies? How much is being sent? When? How will I get the money? Questions and answers.

"WASHINGTON — As the coronavirus crisis ravages the U.S. economy, millions of Americans are about to receive help from Congress in the form of direct cash payments.
President Donald Trump signed into law a massive $2 trillion emergency economic package on Friday that includes direct cash payments and unemployment benefits, among other provisions, for people across the country.
"But who’s eligible to get a check or direct deposit, and for how much? Here are some questions and answers about who qualifies for cash from the federal government:
"Q: How much will I get?
Depends on how much you make.

"If you made less than $75,000 in 2019, you will be eligible for the full payment of $1,200. Couples who filed jointly and made less than $150,000 will get $2,400. An individual who filed as "head of household" and earned $112,500 or less gets $1,200." . . .
Full article with video here...    Hat tip to Mary Torrens; Lompoc, CA

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Muddy Maxine Waters — What a Riot

Michelle Malkin  . . . "She’s earned a lifetime of left-wing adoration for whitewashing the deadly riots as a “rebellion,” excusing the week-long shooting, looting and arson orgy as “a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice and a lot of alienation and frustration,” and coddling Crips and Bloods gang members — with whom she performed the Electric Slide as part of her “fearless support and understanding of young people and their efforts at self-expression.”
"I covered Waters in the early 1990s as an editorial writer and columnist at the Los Angeles Daily News. Her federally funded Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center was a gang-infested boondoggle.
"She embraced Damian Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at white truck driver Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over the bloodied innocent bystander.
"And she and her family personally profited from her rise to racially demagogic power.
"She owns a tony mansion in predominantly white Hancock Park, several miles outside her congressional district." . . .  Her Democrat liberal privilege helped out.

For those who don’t know about the LA Riots of 1992, 58 people died, and many more were gravely injured, including a man called Reginald Denny.  . . . "It all happened on videotape, a helicopter caught it, and it happened in Maxine Waters’ city. But she did not denounce the attack. On the contrary, she all but endorsed the attack.
"The leader of the mob that nearly murdered Reginald Denny was called Damien Williams.
"Maxine Waters visited Damien Williams’ mother to offer her support. Williams was sent to prison on a single felony charge of mayhem, but when his accomplices got off, Waters joined in the celebration."  . . . Those guys were simply "protestors":

Tucker Carlson Slams ‘Dangerous’ CNN For Calling Violent Minneapolis Rioters ‘Protesters’   
“Diverse countries only survive if the groups within them can coexist peacefully and thankfully almost everybody in America wants to coexist peacefully.”And CNN doesn’t want that kind of coexistence. Especially in the era of Trump.“News organizations like CNN do not want that, and that’s why every day they work hard to fan racial resentment to make different groups distrust and hate one another,” he said.
 Woman in Wheelchair Is Beaten by Minneapolis Rioters Who Then Claim She 'Deserved' It  . . . "Jennifer said looters and rioters beat her from the front and back. Indeed, there’s video of a woman beating her in the head from behind. Fortunately, looters and rioters around her had some scruples and begged the woman to stop.
"Journalist Andy Ngo cast about on Twitter for more video of the rioters and Jennifer found this video of her being choked by a concerned citizen who was ostensibly upset over the police killing." . . .
Maxine Waters on all the above:
Maxine Waters Dumps Gas on the Fire as Violent Riots Leave Parts of City 'Unrecognizable'  . . . "Waters’ comments, which play on the racial aspects of the case, seem poised to only fan racial divides in the city.
"Her dismissal of the justice system and blanket attack against many cops is not far off from the lawmaker’s usual rhetoric, but the timing of her latest comments mean her words now have even greater potential to result in violence." . . .

Black Lives Matter protester is left unconscious after falling from hood of police cruiser that was attacked as Los Angeles highway was closed down by demonstration in support of George Floyd

CNN Calls Minneapolis Rioters ‘Protesters’…

CNN’s Lemon Blames Trump For George Floyd’s Death…
We all need to be prepared for anything and everything to be blamed on Trump between now and the election so this is no surprise. As we get closer to the election the accusations and blame are going to get more and more outrageous. (Comment)
UK Daily Mail

. . . "The march rally began near the Hall of Justice at around 4p.m. local time before protesters marched through the streets toward the area of Temple.
"People carried signs reading ‘Black Lives Matter’. (Supported by Kamala Harris)
"The group then made its way onto the 101 Freeway where they blocked cars along the road. "The freeway was forced to shutter.
" 'By around 6.25pm local time, the crowd began moving off the freeway and continued moving through downtown LA streets, reported NBC Los Angeles
" 'As night fell, some protesters were seen burning an upside-down US flag before they carried the burnt remains of the flag towards a row of police officers. " . . .
. . . 
"At the Target store near the site of Floyd's arrest, the inside of the store lay in ruins, with stock depleted of all goods and the remaining merchandise flung across the floor.
"Witnesses reported thieves using power tools to break open cash registers and trying to access the store's safes, before it too was set alight and seen engulfed in flames.  
"Rioters then turned to a Wendy's where they sprayed graffiti on the walls before moving onto a bank - trying to bust it open and raid the ATMs. 
"A group of four men with huge firearms were seen outside a GM Tobacco store as they said they had come to protect local businesses from looters, reported Minnesota Reformer." . . .

"The View Hag Joy Behar Blames Trump For Death Of George Floyd By Minn. Police…"

Democrats are Panicking at the Prospect of Quick Economic Recovery

Legal Insurrection

“Unlike the Great Depression and Great Recession, economist[s] are predicting a bounce-back the likes of those seen after a natural disaster.”

"If you’re hoping the economy stays in the crapper to help your electoral aspirations, you might be a Democrat.
"To be fair, Democrats aren’t technically anti-economic growth in post-pandemic America, but they are gravely concerned that any quick bounce-back will give Trump an opportunity to brag about an economic come-back. Or so says a report from Politico." . . .

The President's Press Secretary stands alone against the media forces who want to eat her alive
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Turns Briefing On Its Head, Demands Answers From The Press  . . . “ 'I laid out a series of questions that any good journalist would want to know about why people were unmasked,” McEnany began, asking whether anyone in the room had followed up on her questions.
“ 'Oh, not a single journalist has posed that question?” she asked, introducing her slides and suggesting that they all consider the answers to her questions over the holiday weekend. “Maybe you’re visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity,” she added."
"Her questions were as follows:
  1. Why did the Obama administration use opposition research, funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt, to spy on members of the Trump campaign?
  2. Why was Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn unmasked by Obama’s chief of staff, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and others?
  3. Why was Flynn’s identity leaked — a criminal act — to the press?
  4. Why did the DOJ learn about the FBI’s interest in Flynn’s conversations with the Russian Amb. from a conversation with Obama in the Oval Office?
  5. Why did James Clapper, John Brennan, Samantha Power and Susan Rice privately admit under oath that they had no evidence of collusion while saying the opposite publicly?
“It’s a long weekend,” McEnany concluded. “You guys have three days to follow up on those questions and I certainly hope the next time I ask, some hands go up. Because Obama’s spokesperson should be asked those questions, because President Trump’s spokespeople certainly would be.”
"With that, McEnany closed her folder and walked out of the briefing room." . . .

In praise of Kayleigh McEnany  . . . "Most press secretaries, however able, seem reflexively on the defensive. McEnany is cheerfully outgoing, a patient but no-nonsense camp counselor in charge of the problem kids. I like her air of calm competence, her well-put-together sense of style, and her frank but uncloying affirmation of religious commitment, signaled by the discreet golden cross that she wears on her necklace.
     "All this drives the press nuts, of course, as does her habit of turning questions back on the questioner. This makes the game of ‘Gotcha!’ very difficult for the munchkins of the Fourth Estate. At a May 6 presser, one bemasked scribe attempted to taunt McEnany with a comment she made a few months back on Fox News before she was appointed Press Secretary. ‘President Trump,’ she said, ‘will not allow the coronavirus to come to this country.’
     "Gotcha? Nope. Not only had the little man torn the statement utterly out of context — the context being President Trump’s efforts to keep Americans safe from such banes as terrorism and the Chinese virus — but it also totally ignored the prevailing narrative." . . . Roger Kimball's article continues..

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Quarantine Game! The Kim Jong Joe Plan

. . . Rationale: After hearing every six minutes on MSNBC that “the black vote is not monolithic!” apparently African Americans agreed this ONE TIME to make an exception and vote monolithically for Joe Biden.Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina said, We’re all voting for Biden, and black voters said, Yep, OK, done. Even in normal circumstances, the Democrats are a little too beholden to the Al Sharptons of the party. . . ."
Ann Coulter "We’re all going crazy and running out of things to do during this endless shutdown. We’ve painted the dog, counted pavers in the backyard, and rearranged the spice rack alphabetically and also by color. What we really need right now is a new game!
"Herewith I present the Quarantine Game that I, Ann Coulter, have invented.
"The rules are simple. Imagine you’re the Democratic Party. You have a stellar opportunity to win the White House and also ensure that the opposition party never regains it as long as Homo sapiens walk the Earth.
"But in a series of developments too bizarre to recall (have they finished counting the ballots in Iowa yet?), you find yourself stuck with a 77-year-old candidate whose campaign is causing no excitement anywhere in the land, even in his own brain — although, in fairness, Joe Biden is unaware that he’s running for president.
"You have 12 minutes to come up with at least two (2) answers to this question: What can you do to get your party out of this mess?
"Answers will be scored on rationale, probability and advantages.
"Think about it. Your opposition is Donald Trump. For all the reasons Republicans salivated over running against Hillary –- she was a repugnant human being, her every calculation was based on what was good for her and her family, scandals broke out whenever she was around, half the country already hated her — you are salivating looking at Trump." . . .