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DonkeyHotey |
victory. Some positions are going to the technocrats who ran cover for him when his massive family corruption came to light. Other positions are going to leftist activists. Biden has selected Pete Buttigieg as his pet gay activist. After mulling making Buttigieg the Ambassador to China, Biden opted, instead, to hand him the Department of Transportation. That’s quite a plum assignment for a guy with a pathetic administrative record." . . .
. . . "South Bend, incidentally, while it’s the 306th largest city in America is 69th in a list of America’s most dangerous cities. Another site explains that both its violent crime and property crime rates are almost twice the U.S. average.
. . . "Our potential future Transportation Secretary had the following accomplishments:
- He demoted the city’s first black police chief for illegal conduct and then groveled apologetically when BLM became a thing.
- He presided over the gentrification of black neighborhoods.
- He helped create a nightly laser light show, paid for with privately raised funds.
- He made a budget proposal that would have combined three separate departments into one to save costs and improve efficiency . . . but his proposal failed.
- He opposed Indiana’s Senate Bill 101 (the Religious Freedom Restoration Act), which allows individuals and companies to assert as a defense in legal proceedings that charges against them or demands on them violate their religious freedom. That’s when he came out of the closet and found his political identity: The Gay Mayor.
- He invested in city parks and leveraged federal funds to help prevent sewage overflow.
- He launched a “home repair” initiative, making funds available to residents wanting to do home repairs, especially Green repairs.
"There’s more at the Wikipedia link but, generally speaking, color me underwhelmed." . . .
Black Lives Matter Opposes Pete Buttigieg for Transportation Secretary . . . "As Fox News noted, Buttigieg was criticized in South Bend for failing to fix potholes in his city, whose roads were regarded as among the worst in the state.
"In addition, Buttigieg faced opposition from the local black community after he demoted the city’s first black police chief, and after a white police officer shot and killed a black man named Eric Logan. Black Lives Matter activists followed Buttigieg on the campaign trail and protested him repeatedly.
"His attempts to reach out to the black community — including obsequious visits with Al Sharpton — struck many as pandering. In South Carolina, for example,Buttigieg told black voters that he did not have their “lived experience.” He also routinely drew criticism for overstating his black support." . . .