"The loony-left donor is bankrolling criminal-allied district attorneys and building a bodycount."
. . ."Like in Milwaukee, San Francisco, St. Louis, New Orleans, and many others where high-profile mayhem has taken hold, Philadelphia’s district attorney is a Marxist buffoon named Larry Krasner who is in office in large measure because he was backed by the left-wing financier and essentially-perfect James Bond villain George Soros. The latter has made it a personal project, after corrupting America’s elections through similar attempts to elect revolutionaries to Secretary of State positions around the country a decade or so ago, to install pro-criminal district attorneys in major and mid-sized cities across America.
"In 2017 when Krasner was elected, a Soros-affiliated PAC dumped an unprecedented $1.7 million into the race for his benefit. Nobody had ever spent that kind of money in a Philly DA race before. But it was nothing for Soros.
"For example, Soros a few years ago dropped nearly a million dollars into a district attorney race in Shreveport, Louisiana, something no one in that area was prepared for or could believe. The bottom has fallen out of law enforcement in that city since and it is losing population faster than almost any municipality in America as a result.
"In Milwaukee, a Soros-backed imbecile named John Chisholm championed little or no cash bail even for violent criminals, gleefully admitting that there would be blood on the streets as a result. He paid off that promise, and then some, when in suburban Waukesha a career criminal named Darrell Brooks massacred six people by smacking his SUV into a Christmas parade. Brooks was out on $1,000 bail after running his girlfriend over just a few days earlier" . . .