That was also the point of the FBI declining to prosecute Hillary for her deleted emails. Those emails between her and Obama were enough to get them all hung for treason. Remember Hillary’s words from 2016, “If that bastard (Trump) wins, we all hang from nooses.”"One of the claims made by Special Counsel John Durham in his official report is that the FBI dropped at least four criminal investigations into Bill and Hillary Clinton just before the 2016 election.
"According to the New York Post, the FBI had previously been investigating attempts by multiple foreign nations and other foreign entities to influence the Clinton family through donations to their non-profit, the Clinton Foundation, as well as donations to Hillary’s failed 2016 presidential campaign.
"Three of the four investigations, all launched in early 2016, were investigating whether or not the Clinton Foundation had become a hub of “criminal activity.” These probes originated out of the field offices in Washington D.C., New York City, and Little Rock, Arkansas. The
investigative efforts included audits into the allegedly charitable foundation.
"Durham’s report states that two of the investigations, in Little Rock and New York, were looking into claims that a commercial industry had “likely engaged a federal public official in a flow of benefits scheme, namely, large monetary contributions were made to a non-profit, under both direct and indirect control of the federal public official, in exchange for favorable government action and/or influence.' ” . . .
The FBI’s Keystone Cops According to John Durham | The Heritage Foundation . . ."The FBI’s missteps included not even checking with their “own experienced Russian analysts,” who would have informed the investigators that they had no information “about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials.” They also didn’t check with other intelligence analysts at “the CIA, NSA, and the Department of State.”
"The findings in the Durham report about just how extensively the FBI mishandled the Crossfire Hurricane investigation are devastating to its reputation as a law enforcement agency. They come on top of the damaging reports of a series of recent whistleblowers about the bias and unprofessionalism within its ranks and leadership on everything from the Hunter Biden investigation to its possible use of informants inside Catholic Churches.
"The consequences of its bungling in Crossfire Hurricane were monumental. The agency ruined the professional careers and personal lives of many innocent individuals like Carter Page and caused a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-funded investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that, in many respects, crippled the Trump administration during much of his presidency over the dogged and persistent fraudulent claim that his campaign had conspired with the Russians to rig the 2016 presidential election.". . .