Saturday, May 20, 2023

They still love America

 They still love America - American Thinker   "Today is day 871 of captivity for the January 6 hostages whom the Democrat party is holding in a Washington D.C. gulag. 

"Eight hundred seventy-one days of operations in America's first political concentration camp for dissidents, opened and operated by the Democrat party, for the express purpose of intimidation and re-education of the opposition.

"And through all the mistreatment of the hostages by the government that cheated its way into power, those hostages still love their country.  Because on every one of those 871 days, they sing the National Anthem.

"They still love the United States, even though the United States government has given each and every one of them at least 871 reasons to hate their country.

"They still love America, even though America has abandoned and forgotten them.". . .  

Sung on a jailhouse phone, it still topped Miley Cyrus. TD

"A song by a group of men convicted for the Jan 6., 2021 attack at the Capitol, featuring former President Trump, reached the top spot on the iTunes music charts over the weekend.

"On Saturday, the J6 Prison Choir single “Justice for All,” outperformed pop star Miley Cryus’ single “Flowers.”

"The song includes the choir of inmates singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” as Trump can be heard reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in portions of the 2-minute track.  The song ends with the choir repeatedly chanting “USA!” 

"Trump recorded his part at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, while the choir recorded their parts of the song using a jailhouse phone, according to Variety.". . .

The money raised off the single will be directed towards the families of the defendants, Forbes reported.

"Even after grabbing the top spot on the iTunes chart, “Justice for All” failed to appear on the music streaming platform Spotify’s list of the top 50 most streamed songs of the day on Saturday afternoon.". . .

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