Saturday, January 2, 2010

They Have Awoken a Sleeping Giant America

Gateway Pundit "...6. We’re tired of being lied to by a media that only tells half a story – A media that produces untrue pictures in favor of those they love and in opposition to those they hate.7. We’re tired of a media who tells us that to be Christian or God loving is immature or silly.8. We’re tired of a media that tells us that our military are murderers and that we are causing terrorists to murder.9. We’re tired of being told that we are the evil ones when we don’t accept the lies of the media or government.10. We’re tired of being told constantly why we should hate our great country, the most giving country ever in world history.11. We’re tired of being told that we are the ones who started wars and killed people without reason..."

1 comment:

TA99 said...

Amen. simply... Amen.