Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Inexplicables; Trying to fathom the liberal way of thinking.

Victor Davis Hanson  "There are a number of things I don’t fathom about contemporary American popular culture and politics. Here is a small sample."
1) Is there a theoretical limit to our national borrowing?....
2) What are we to make of the self-referential wealthy who demand higher taxes?....
3) Is contemporary American aristocracy compatible with, antithetical to, or the logical complement to modern liberalism?....
4) Fairly or not, the entire illegal immigration debate is couched in terms of anger at the U.S.....
5) I can never quite understand the writ against our ancestors.....

...."The tragedy of the entire university, postmodern race/class/gender writ against past Americans is the fact that our generation has little to show for its moral posturing. When Obama lists our sins from Hiroshima to supposed genocide, I wonder how he would have managed a wagon train, or what he would have done when facing the horrific choices of either sending the napalm-carrying B-29s over Japan or invading the island to trump an Okinawa ten times over. Would he have voted present?"

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