Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What's the latest on the MSM?

Newsbusters: In Same Day CNN Puts Bachmann Through Wringer, Puffs Huntsman Up   "In an cushy interview during the 3 p.m. hour of Newsroom, Baldwin heaped praise on the Republican who supports same-sex civil unions and who ripped conservatives as "anti-science" for not believing in global warming. The CNN host fawned over Huntsman's "lovely" daughters and slobbered that "you seem pretty unflappable, and if I may, governor, downright nice." "

Big Journalism: CNN Anchor Carol Costello Mocks Bachmann’s Faith: Do You ‘Regret’ Listening to God?  "What people like Costello don’t understand is that just because God calls on someone to run for president, that doesn’t mean God always intends for them to become president. In this case, God’s plan could very well be to put Rep. Bachmann in the White House or God’s plan could be to use Bachmann’s run for the White House as a way to reveal the truth to the world about what an awful bigot Carol Costello is.
"Or both."
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5,6).
Columbia Journalism Review Scolds MSM for Over-hyping Cain Gaffe
"In fact, the campaign media missed an opportunity to explore and explain a unique immigration policy that is aimed at a single country, an issue that remains important to a significant bloc of Florida voters."

Wolf Blitzer’s terrible burden   "As this goes to post, Wolf Blitzer is preparing carefully and cautiously for the Republican foreign policy / national security debate he will be moderating tonight on CNN." 

Speaking of Blitzer, Rush has this: When Will the Media Do an Anal Exam of Obama Like They Do of Every Republican?  "From what I'm being told, Wolf Blitzer is rehearsing various retorts to Newt Gingrich, and he and his staff are trying to think of various things that Newt might say to insult them.  It's sort of like preparing for hecklers."

Newsbusters: MSNBC's Hyper-Partisan Bashir: You May Need a Bath After Watching Tonight's GOP Debate    "Playing off of Newt Gingrich's applause line that Occupy protesters need to "go get a job right after [they] take a bath," MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir introduced two liberal guests on his eponymous program to pre-game tonight's Republican debate on CNN by grousing that, "Indeed, a bath is exactly what you may need after watching tonight's Republican debate on foreign policy."

The Astute Bloggers:  THE MEDIA IS PAVING THE WAY FOR THE THIRD PARTY RUN THAT IS OBAMA'S ONLY CHANCE AT RE-ELECTION The legacy media are preparing the soil for the inevitable third party run that is Obama's only hope:
Exhibit A: "The political system is broken. It's only a matter of time before voters take matters in their own hands: The rise of a third party -- or the dramatic overhaul of one of the existing ones -- is in the offing."
Via Hot Air
Exhibit B: "Trump Threatens to Spend Millions on a Presidential Run" Wall Street Journal.

Obama-Loving MSM Shows Its Hand Early, Teaches Romney a Valuable lesson
"Today, by making standard operating procedure in political advertising The Big Political Story Of The Day, the media might have actually done the GOP a favor. A year out, and they’ve given us a hearty taste of what they have planned for us:
1.Amplify every mistake, real or perceived.
2.Make the mistake, no matter how big or small, the story.
3.Use the mistake to put the Republican on defense.
4.Make the story about anything but the bigger point the Republican meant to make.
5.Question the Republican’s honesty, etc.

MRC: (Almost) Nothing's Sacred "Start with Pamela Anderson, the ridiculously surgically enhanced former Playboy Playmate, home-movie porn specialist and "Baywatch" star. She's been cast to play - are you ready? - the Virgin Mary in a TV "Christmas" special in Canada.
"It's called "A Russell Peters Christmas..."
Speaking of messing up the time machine, Hollywood is really going back in time to smear J. Edgar Hoover. They've never forgiven him for being a staunch anti-communist or for mucking around in the personal lives of their heroes, from the Kennedy's to Martin Luther King. When Time asked actor Leonardo DiCaprio how true the movie was to life he replied, "Historically, it's incredibly accurate."
"That's quite a clash with the quote from his cast mate Armie Hammer, who plays Clyde Tolson, the close Hoover aide alleged to be his lover. "What really brings the film to life are the scenes that no one can prove happened." "
"The accusation that Hoover cross-dressed came from a convicted perjurer with mob ties; Soviet disinformation agents circulated rumors that Hoover was gay. But Hollywood doesn't care about sources or evidence when it makes "historical" movies. What they cared about was using ersatz history to promote the gay agenda."

The accusation that Hoover cross-dressed came from a convicted perjurer with mob ties; Soviet disinformation agents circulated rumors that Hoover was gay. But Hollywood doesn't care about sources or evidence when it makes "historical" movies. What they cared about was using ersatz history to promote the gay agenda.

Via Big Hollywood: Fallon show sneak attacks Bachmann with profane entrance music  "Guests such as Mrs. Bachmann and Mr. Cain have received harsh grilling from Mr. Leno, whereas President Obama faced a withering barrage of fawning compliments. Before The Roots made their opinion of Mrs. Bachmann clear on “Late Night,” comedian Dennis Miller appeared on “Tonight,” where he coined the term “J-Lobama” in reference to Mr. Leno’s sycophantic treatment of the President."
Fallon later apologized to Bachmann. In a tweet.

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