Thursday, January 26, 2012

Still more commentary on that State of the Union, unless you prefer that we rehash Newt and Mitt's attacks on each other

From Heritage:
Obama’s State of Omission "The speech was notable for the items he did not mention, including many of the failed spending programs and policies he undertook over the past three years, the foreign policy and defense challenges he has exacerbated, and the economic actions he failed to take that would have created jobs and spurred economic growth."

President Obama Glossed over Afghan War  "President Obama needs to be up front with the American people about the risks of a precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. A hasty troop drawdown could lead to a civil war and the Taliban regaining influence in the country, which would strengthen Islamist militant forces in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and provide the conditions for al-Qaeda to revive in the region."

FACT CHECK: 10 Dubious Claims from Obama’s State of the Union  "President Obama made a number of questionable statements in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night. Heritage experts took on some of the policy issues he raised, but we at Scribe thought we would address the simple factual accuracy of 10 of the more outlandish statements from the president. Quotes are drawn from the president’s prepared remarks."
Heritage Reaction Roundup  "President Obama omitted two words from his State of the Union speech, but there’s two words that speak volumes about the president’s direction for America’s energy policy.  Keystone and Solyndra"
"Besides, this spending will have to be paid for, and since Obama has yet to propose a serious reduction to federal spending that means it would likely be through higher taxes or more debt – and both will further drain the economy."

To quote just two of many subjects in this section.

From PJ Media:
Barry Rubin:  Obama’s State of the Union Speech: My Response Discovers Some Curious Insights and Strange Formulations  "Governor Mitch Daniels gave the Republican response and stuck completely to domestic economic issues, which was after all Obama’s main theme. Yet international affairs was the only other theme and if Obama’s critics can’t do a better job of analyzing his claims, responding to his policies, and offering an alternative to his strategies he is more likely to remain president for five more years."

Ron Radosh:  Why Mitch Daniels Should Enter the Race: The Real Conservative Alternative  "But those who saw President Obama’s lengthy, boring, and uninspiring faux populist presentation could see a strong contrast from the Indiana governor. As the full text of his speech shows, Daniels touched upon the important themes that our president completely ignored."

Voice of Lillpop:
John W. Lillpop:  State of the Union: Occupied and In Decline!  "Were President Obama to break with tradition and give an honest report about the real State of the Union, he would be compelled to admit that America is occupied by forces hostile to the U.S. Constitution—himself and the Marxists in the U.S. House and Senate. Those forces are opposed to free-market capitalism and the rule of law held in such high esteem by the majority of Americans."

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