Friday, April 6, 2012

A look at the state of our culture

Why David Letterman Has (Almost) Always Creeped Me Out  "I realize I’m in the minority. I hate to think there are that many cynical, mean spirited people out there, to keep Letterman’s ratings high, but obviously that’s the case."

: Obama Grandstands About the Masters   "The media is now running out to track down a Republican who will defend the Augusta National policy and serve as a useful foil for Obama’s completely uncontroversial stance on the subject. They had no luck with Romney or Boehner, but maybe Rush Limbaugh can weigh in on it."

Harry Reid's dilemma  "American broadcasting this week featured the worst example of hateful religious bigotry broadcast to a national audience since the days of Father Coughlin's antisemitic rants.  MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, a former Democrat congressional staffer, launched an astonishing attack of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, the religion of Mitt Romney."

Obama Labor Dept. glorifies Sharpton, Jackson in protest-preaching poster  

"The photo depicts Solis acting as an emissary of the Obama administration protesting against Alabama’s strict new law combating illegal immigration. Solis has her arms locked with Sharpton, and Jackson is a few feet away. The poster also carries a message for federal government employees — who are traditionally expected to be apolitical in the performance of their duties."
Hilda Solis Decorates Labor Department With Poster of Her Marching With AL Sharpton & Jesse Jackson
This is the picture that Hilda Solis wants everyone at the Labor Department to see: 

"On her right arm is SEIU exec R. Eliseo Medina.  On her left is, of course, MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton.  And that’s Jesse Jackson on the other side of Delores Huerta and AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker. The experience clearly affected Secretary Solis. The Daily Caller reports that images from the event have now been turned into a poster that will hang in elevators at the Labor Department:"...

‘Good Christian’ Bashing Show Gets Racial  " “GCB” is suffering in the ratings. According to The Wrap, “'GCB' slid 10 percent,” dropping to 5.8 million total viewers."

Klavan On The Culture: What Liberals Believe

"Today, the intrepid Klavan, whoever he is, tries to understand the liberal mindset, an expedition into the heart of darkness worthy of Stanley Livingstone, whoever he is."

Palin "Smacks Down" NBC's Lauer: GOP Ticket Will Be 'Clobbered' By 'Lamestream Media'   "I would say it doesn't matter if that person has national level experience or not, they're going to get clobbered by the lamestream media, who does not like the conservative message. And it doesn't matter if that person has been a known commodity to the mainstream, lamestream media or not."
"The GOP ticket, to tell you the truth, Matt, doesn't know what's coming. They don't know what's going to hit them in terms of double standards being applied to them and the positions that they hold, and the records that they are running on, from, you know, personal family issues to anything else. There will be that double standard applied no matter who it is."

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