Monday, June 11, 2012

It depends on what you mean by "the economy"

Neal Boortz: The Private Sector Is Doing Just Fine   "Just look at the rest of Obama’s statement later Friday afternoon to discover that, even after the firestorm, he didn’t really understand what people were upset about.  Obama, you see, told us on Friday that the REAL problem with our economy was that GOVERNMENT, not the private sector, just wasn’t growing enough." 

James Pethokoukis: Obama is wrong. The private sector isn’t ‘doing fine’
But is it really? Is the private sector “doing fine?”....
5. Real take-home pay is down over the past year.6. That first-quarter GDP report also showed that after-tax corporate profits dropped for the first time in three years. Major red flag.
"No, Mr. President, the private-sector isn’t doing fine at all. And it certainly isn’t ready to deal with a fiscal cliff of tax hikes or a continued deluge of new regulation."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Jeannie DeAngelis: The David Axelrod's 'Not Doing Fine' Talk Show Appearance  "For much of the CNN segment on the President's fine-not-so-fine blooper, Obama's chief campaign strategist continued to frenetically push the hire-public-to-help-the-private-sector line.  Frustrated host Candy Crowley tried repeatedly to get Mr. Axelrod to answer her original question, but the effort failed miserably."
Washington Examiner:  Paul Krugman: Economy under Obama in a Depression  "We don't have a formal definition, I'd say that a Depression is when things are down, when things are terrible for an extended period of time," Krugman said, reminding them that were even "official" periods of recovery during the Great Depression.
"So it is again today," he said."...  H/T to Lucianne.
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

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