Sunday, December 8, 2013

Conservatives hijack fast food workers protest across America


BizPac Review
"Organized labor advocates targeted fast food restaurants across America on Thursday, calling for an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
"An eager media looking for a reason to turn away from the disastrous roll out of Obamacare advertised the day’s activities as a one day strike for higher wages by fast food workers."

"In reality, there were far more left-wing activists “on strike” than there were fast food workers, and these union agitators turned to Twitter to help draw attention to their efforts, using the hashtag:

"Not a smart move, considering how thoroughly the right dominates Twitter.
Conservative comedian Stephen Kruiser was quick to hijack the hashtag, with his own take on the effort “to keep workers in entry-level jobs,” as described by"

Thank you, , for showing us where the next wave of automation in business needs to take place.
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SFK @stephenkruiser
"Mindless chanting Occucommies alert! RT @NBisno Mic check at McDonald's downtown Pittsburgh

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