Monday, January 13, 2014

More views on Bridge-gate

Dems Pile on Christie While Ignoring Hillary’s Past  ... "The list reads like an AM radio golden oldies countdown: Travelgate, the magical and mysterious Rose Law Firm billing records that showed up in a closet in the White House years after being subpoenaed, Whitewater, Bimbogate, and the vast right-wing conspiracy that unzipped her husband’s pants and forced him to have oral sex with Monica Lewinsky."

Judge Jeanine Pirro Gets Bridge-gate Exactly Right!   "I’m not a Christie fan but what’s fair is fair. Judge Jeanine Pirro got it exactly right with her thorough coverage in the opening statement of her Saturday show."
Media Bias for Chris Christie

Americans have more to fear from the Obama administration than America's enemies do:
New Scandal, Same Old Christie    "This week, the raging bull turned sad puppy for two hours of bravura contrition after cashiering yet another top aide who, he says, lied to him. It is a different time, and this is a very different scandal. Yet, I can’t help suspecting it’s the same old Christie." Andy McCarthy


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