Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Watch the American left run foreign policy

"President Obama’s eagerness to end the War on Terror has “psychologically demobilized the country,” according to Charles Krauthammer.

“ 'We have a president whose last foreign-policy address had one major theme: ‘The War on Terror must end, because it has corrosive effects on the country,’” he said.

"A country can’t unilaterally end a war when the opponent survives and doesn’t agree to it, Krauthammer said. Obama ”downplays the threat,” Krauthammer argued, so no one should be surprised that there is not a “robust opposition to terror” among Americans.

"The president’s job is to recognize a threat and mobilize support against it, Krauthammer said, “and [Obama's] done precisely the opposite.' ”

As George Orwell wrote, "The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it."

Blackfive: Worst Foreign Policy Team Ever (Thanks, Twitter!) ... "The girls were taken from their school by Islamic terrorists.  So this Twitter attack is designed to build pressure.  On who?  

"According to the WH, the pressure is on the Nigerian government. Riiiight."
"Anyway, the Ranger Up guys posted this photo (of one of their own, Jack) which sums up my feelings about pouty Twits believing that social media works better than action...

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