Monday, August 18, 2014

On Ferguson and the police

Ferguson and the Changing Attitudes Towards Cops   ... "Consider: many young liberals have of course discovered a love for big government, and take to Twitter and Facebook to support cops harassing Tea Party types and Nevada ranchers just as they cheer the IRS and Lois Lerner persecuting conservative business people and political groups. Meanwhile, liberal voters in Boston cheered their ‘Boston Strong’ reaction to the Marathon bombers, which to me looked a lot like an entire city cowering from a wounded young teen -- while LEOs with Seal Team Six fantasies trampled on every liberty they could for 48 hours -- brandishing Kevlar, automatic weapons, neo-Nazi style helmets and riding around neighborhoods in hummers and kicking down doors.     C. Edmund Wright
Is the media trying to get accused Ferguson police officer killed?  "If you saw that chaotic press conference given by Governor Nixon yesterday, you know the tenor of black people in Ferguson. They want "justice" and they want it now.

"Given this, why is the media showing the world where the accused police officer, Darren Wilson, lives? ..."     Rick Moran

Yahoo! News Publishes Photos of Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson   " Last week, Chief Jackson said that the department had received death threats against Wilson. He reported the same after another officer was incorrectly identified as the shooter on Thursday when the computer hacker group Anonymous gave out the name of the wrong officer."

 Support Rally For Darren Wilson, Officer Involved In Shooting In Ferguson
View image on Twitter
Jon Swaine         @jonswaine
Protest is outside headquarters NBC affiliate @ksdknews, which broadcast footage of Darren Wilson's home
New Police Tactic in Ferguson: Betray Local Business Owners   ... "This is what happens when you let your policing be dictated by MSNBC."

Protests in Ferguson Shutter Businesses    "Employees and their bosses worry about what may happen next. "
These are the true oppressed; those who invest their entire savings into businesses that lay in the path of these despicable looters.

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