Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I'm sick of hearing from people who are sick of hearing about Hillary's emails

In The Cloud

GOP Lawmaker Wants Clinton Impeached on Day One "Said Brooks: “In my judgment, with respect to Hillary Clinton, she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November, because the day she’s sworn in is the day that she’s subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors.' ”
His name is Moe, by the way.

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Does Clinton have even the slightest inkling of the huge investment pharmaceutical companies have to make in the one drug in 5,000 that actually gets to market?

Mother Jones: The Benghazi Witch-Hunt Against Hillary Is Backfiring Just Like Bill Clinton's Impeachment

Inside Clinton's Benghazi hearing game plan   "After getting pummeled by accusations of partisanship, Republicans on the House Benghazi Committee have settled on a plan for Thursday’s high-stakes showdown with Hillary Clinton: no cheap shots and stick to the facts — but don’t give an inch." . . .

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