Saturday, November 14, 2015

Who knew there were Muslims capable of violence?

Breaking: Idiot 'shocked' by Paris attacks   . . . "If there is such a thing as poetic justice, its gavel is going to come down very hard on all those national leaders who, in the name of political correctness (or worse), are currently importing massive populations of poor, unassimilated Muslims into their nations. "

When seconds counted...  "It was Friday evening, and I was listening to a survivor of the Bataclan Theater terrorist attack in Paris describe how it took place.  The attackers wisely seized the high ground, the balconies, where they were able to fire down into the masses of people packed into the overcrowded main floor.  According to this witness, the terrorists were able to continually fire their weapons randomly into their helpless victims for ten to fifteen minutes before the police assault finally took them down." . . .
. . .

"The growing body count as of this writing is 120 slaughtered in the Bataclan.  We'll never know how much that body count could have been reduced if the foolish French allowed their citizens to go armed.  Their imprudent gun control laws contributed to unnecessary carnage.

"Once again, when seconds counted, the police were just too many minutes away."

Emphasis added, TD

'They are cutting us down one by one...dead bodies everywhere': Jihadist gunmen slaughter concert-goers before detonating suicide belts when police storm the venue
"Terrorists slaughtered ‘everyone one by one’ at a theatre in Paris in just one of a series of horrifying attacks across the capital that have killed up to 150 people.

"An injured hostage held captive during a rock concert at the Bataclan theatre, was able to update his status on social media where he said: 'There are survivors inside. They are cutting down all the world. One by one.’

"Benjamin Cazenoves added in another post: ‘Alive. Just cuts... Carnage... Dead bodies everywhere.’" . . .

The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal had been playing when men armed with Kalashnikovs are said to have stormed into the hall and began firing Above, a photo from the Bataclan before the attack
The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal had been playing when men armed with Kalashnikovs are said to have stormed into the hall and began firing Above, a photo from the Bataclan before the attack

. . . "Islamic State supporters celebrated the attacks using the Twitter hashtag Paris in Flames or Paris on Fire.
"One militant, Abu Asad, tweeted: ‘Allahu Akbar.’ Another said: ‘There is no God but Allah, praise be to Allah.’"

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