Tuesday, May 10, 2016

With Gender Bender Bathrooms, Liberals Jump the Shark

American Thinker  . . . "Rights talk has turned out to be political gold for liberals, so why not combine the right to be creative with the rights of helpless victims? You demand your right to be edgy and out there with the demand to be cosseted as a helpless victim in your safe space." . . . 

Obama’s Toilet Revolution   . . . "Barack Obama and his militant Justice Department don’t care at all about individuals confused or rebellious about their gender. As with all revolutionary activity, the goal is to seize upon crisis in order to further the aggrandizement of the State, and its control over every competing area of society.

"Obama’s response to North Carolina is a classic Leftist maneuver of setting up a straw man, or transgender in this case, to ensure and continue to expand federal power over the states. From a revolutionary perspective, states with their 10th Amendment constitutional sovereignty are antithetical to the long-term objective of an international socialist system. " . . .  

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