Wednesday, April 11, 2018

In Trump we trust

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

In Trump we trust 
The office of the special counsel, so-called, is an anti-constitutional monster and always has been.  If the special counsel is ever brought before the Supreme Court, it will have to discredit or ignore any action from that office.
 "On the surface, it looks as if Trump is losing the battle against Mueller.  I'm not so sure.  Mueller has had to attack Trump by giving away his own credibility.  He's way off his original target of the phony-baloney Russian collusion and is now attacking Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen.  Even Democrats who hate Trump have to know this.  Even Alan Dershowitz is publicly outraged on behalf of the bar association, and that means millions of lawyers around the country are feeling scared, too.
"Trump has also cast a skeptical spotlight on the biggest Yellow Press Baron of these times, Jeff Bezos, who everybody now knows is trying to destroy the president of the United States behind the front of the WaPo.  The moment Bezos drops the mask for 50 million people, he's losing.  Then this fight looks personal, and it is." . . .
I would suggest to President Trump: sit tight and keep tweeting.  The Yellow Press is killing itself.
Thomas Lifson: Former Federal Election Commission chairman debunks pretext used for raid on Trump lawyer
. . . And this is with Republicans in power.  The Deep State is for real." 

The Death of the DOJ and the FBI   . . . "But this raises another question: Where the hell were the FBI and DOJ when it came to Hillary Clinton? Trump himself has been enraged by the disparity between law enforcement's treatment of Clinton and its treatment of him. He rightly points out that the FBI and DOJ worked to exonerate Clinton, with former FBI Director James Comey going so far as to change the definition of existing law to avoid recommending her indictment for mishandling classified material. And not only did then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch meet with former President Bill Clinton on a tarmac in the middle of the election cycle and the investigation of his wife; Lynch's Department of Justice allowed Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton's top aide, to claim attorney-client privilege." . . .

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