Friday, December 7, 2018

After DNA test, even Elizabeth Warren's fellow Democrats have got the willies over her

Monica Showalter  "Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running for president, and she's not quite getting the response she thought she would, even from her fellow leftists.
"Here, the Boston Globe's editorial page recommended that she wise up and not run: "Deval Patrick knew when to call it quits on a presidential bid. Other politicians take note."
"Memo to Liz: That's your establishment.
"Fox News, of course, has fun with the whole thing, but we don't have to count that outlet.
"Seems the fake Indian scandal is sticking to Warren, and pretty much defining her, enough for Democrats to get the willies.  Her DNA test, supposedly to Get Trump on his taunts that she's a fake Indian, were released in a hamfisted time ahead of midterms, and more important for her, revealed that she may be as little as 1,024th Indian, less than the average American.  That's what's going on, and why the Times chose to highlight the issue by quoting Democrat operatives.
"Here's a random tweet that demonstrates the real flavor of what's going on out there, not the prissy Times version:" . . .

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