Sunday, June 3, 2018

The left is destroying science (as it always does)

Vlad Tepes

Probably more than you want to know in this video:

How the Left Is Destroying Science (Science vs. Scientism) From 2016.
. . . "Because these profoundly devout Christians considered physics and mathematics simply another manifestation of a holy and ordered Creation, they never worshipped science.  Lying was a sin, and lying about the nature of the world was a particularly serious sin, because it knowingly concealed the true nature of the world.
"Within the Medieval university was that same sort of freedom and mutual respect that had never existed before except in the academy of Plato.  As with the academy, the Medieval university had schools of thought and different interpretations of what phenomena meant.  This was science.
"Scientism, on the other hand, is a vile misology that arose at the end of the nineteenth century and has infected those processes intended to discover the truth about our world ever since.  The most evil and dishonest regimes in modern history – Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China – were all utterly and passionately devoted to whatever pseudo-science was needed to support the party. " . . .

The Liberals' War on Science 
"How politics distorts science on both ends of the spectrum"

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