Monday, June 3, 2019

North Korea SHOCK: 'Purged official' REAPPEARS with Kim Jong Un amid execution fears

Ian Macfarlane
UK Express  "Kim Yong Chol – North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator in the recent talks with the US – was reportedly punished over the failed summit in Hannoi in February. South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo last week claimed that the senior official had been sentenced to hard labour and ideological re-education. However, on Monday, Kim Yong Chol was shown on KRT – one of North Korea’s state broadcasting channels – sitting just five seats away from the Supreme Leader."
"A NORTH Korean official feared to have been "purged" over the failed nuclear talks with Washington was seen at a concert with leader Kim Jong Un."
"The two were pictured at a concert held by the wives of various Korean People’s Army Officers – appearing to contrast Chosun Ilbo’s report.
"It also alleged that five other officials involved in talks with Washington were executed for betraying Kim Jong Un – but the veracity of this is now in doubt.
"The original report came from an anonymous source – but was not matched by any media or government officials in Seoul.
"Lee Sang-min of Seoul's Unification Ministry – which deals with inter-Korean affairs – said the ministry would not comment on a "specific internal event in North Korea or its participants" when asked about the reappearance." . . .

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