Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Not a president in a carload

Don Surber

"Old Gold cigarettes once bragged in advertisements, "Not a cough in a carload." It meant not a cough would be found in a boxcar of Old Golds. That may be true, but each carload contains plenty of cancer.

"In looking at the panorama of the Democrat candidates at ABC's debate, I noticed 2 things were missing.

  1. An American flag.
  2. An American president.
"These were the top 10 candidates. None had served as a governor. One was a mayor. Another had been a minor cabinet member. I am not sure exactly what the private sector guy does besides remind everyone at every opportunity that his parents are from Taiwan, which he says makes him good at math.

"And then there's Joe, whose fifth-place finish in the 2008 race landed him the role of comic relief in the Obama regime. He's now the leading candidate -- or was until Democrats threw him overboard in their latest attempt to stage a coup against President Donald John Trump.

"The lack of executive experience is a handicap when going against someone with more than 40 years of experience as a CEO. He has built towers, and is now building a wall.

"Most observers believe impeaching President Trump will doom the Democrat nominee." . . .

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