Saturday, November 2, 2019

'He thinks he still has Mike Pence's job!' Joe Biden boasts in Iowa about tax credits 'the president and I' want . . .

Isn't this called "passive-aggressive"?

UK Daily Mail  "Former Vice President Joe Biden suggested Wednesday in Iowa that he thinks he's still current Vice President Joe Biden, telling an Iowa reporter about environmental tax credits that 'the president and I' jointly want to put in place.
"Rattling off a litany of green initiatives he wants to see rural America embrace, Biden said offering federal tax incentives would help nudge the nation toward a carbon-neutral future.
" 'It would also help people with housing, if you were able to continue to have what we propose, and I propose, what the president and I—' he said, before stopping himself. 
"He continued a second later, saying Americans should 'have, you know, tax credits for insulating homes, tax credits for making all businesses – all buildings, you know – energy contained, et cetera.'
"A Republican operative in Iowa reacted Friday afternoon, saying: 'Poor Joe. He thinks he still has Mike Pence's job! He's definitely not getting Donald Trump's.'  " . . .

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