Saturday, August 21, 2021

What about Joe? What about his Democrat supporters?

Despite all the "Herculean" efforts of his allies in the media, it is clear that the
American public has turned on Joe Biden, according to documentary
filmmaker Ami Horowitz.

 Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed — or die  . . . "Many silent Democrat office-holders likely want Biden out, as they fear that the systemic incompetence of his administration will bring them down come 2022.

"But Joe cannot resign or be fired.  The Democrat high command will not let either happen, no matter the short-term political cost.

"On the surface, that makes little sense.  Joe's resignation or removal would not alter Democrat control of the presidency and Congress.  If Joe leaves, Kamala Harris becomes president.  She is incompetent, too, but no more so than Joe, and is on board with the administration's radical agenda. 

"So.  Why can't Joe quit the office or be removed? ".....

It was easier to believe that Trump was uncouth than to take the risk of being kicked out of the Cool Kids' Group, the group that includes Hollywood stars, Jimmy Fallon, Rachel Maddow, and Washington cocktail parties.  . . . "We have had to watch the only man who had ever stood up to fight for us be impeached twice, while we watched others who committed real crimes get not even a mention.". . .

Lindsey Graham: Biden Should Be Impeached If Americans Are Left Behind… Good luck getting that past Nancy and Schiff

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