Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A snake in President Trump's cabinet: Mark Esper tells all to 60 Minutes

All we see from this interview is a slithering snake whose main aim was to keep his job so he could continue to undercut President Trump.

 Monica Showalter  "When you think of everything that's gone wrong with the U.S. military — from its wokester agenda to its failure to contain Russia to its breakdown in discipline to the presence of Gen. Mark Milley on the Joint Chiefs of Staff — pretty much all of it has the name of Mark Esper, President Trump's former defense secretary, all over it.

"Rather than slink off into obscurity after such a performance, if not back to the big-bucks war-machine defense-contractor lobby whence he sprang, he's out shilling a tell-all book and promoting it on 60 Minutes in a bid to discredit the man he purportedly "served," President Trump.

"According to 60 Minutes interviewer Norah O'Donnell, he now calls Trump "a threat to American democracy."

"But his interview with 60 Minutes didn't come out the heroic way he probably thought it would.

"Unbeknownst to him, he demonstrated what a coward's coward and slithering snake he was while in office.  Everything he did involved some new means of undercutting President Trump, or, as O'Donnell summed up, "subverted many of the president's wishes.' " . . .

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